Russia calls for building a new Eurasian security system

July 24, 2024

A Russian vice-foreign minister, in his speech at a meeting of the UN Security Council on July 19, called for building a new Eurasian security system.

Saying that the world order and security plan pushed by NATO has completely failed, he noted that against this background, necessity urgently requires the building of a new Eurasian security system.

The proposal for forming an equal and inseparable security system common to the continent offered by President Vladimir Putin satisfies such need, he said, stating that any attempt to ensure one’s own security at the cost of other countries’ security would not be tolerated within the system.

This principle has successfully been applied on the platform of the collective security treaty organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, assuming the characters of international law and if the principle is endowed with a comprehensive character, it can contribute to fundamentally improving the world situation by promoting positive developments, he stressed.

Russia plans to encourage wide-ranging dialogue with all countries over the Eurasian security issue, he said, calling on the countries and organizations concerned in Asia and Europe to join in this important dialogue.


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