Research hits carving out their niches

September 12, 2024

Researchers of the South Hwanghae Provincial Forest Science Institute are conducting scientific research for creating forests of economic value to fully supply raw materials to regional-industry factories under construction.

In keeping with the natural and geographical conditions of the province with many hillocks, they directed efforts to solving technical issues arising in breeding good species, applying rational cultivation methods, and improving the rooting rate with the main stress on creating many forests for raw materials with oil-bearing and other trees of great economic value. 

With a view to solving the problem of raw materials by relying on local resources, they engaged in the research for improving native species of Evodia daniellii into a good variety so as to increase the yield of its fruits with rich oil contents which are used as a raw material for making soap and paints.

They intensified their research into selection and breeding of good varieties and rational grafting methods while surveying the situation of Evodia daniellii forests in counties and cities. 

They selected three good varieties of Evodia daniellii and developed a new grafting method to raise the rooting rate in the course of improving the native species into a good variety, and introduced it into evodia forestry stations in the province.

The institute selected trees of great economic value and increased production of saplings, and promoted the research for developing advanced methods of storing and managing seeds in a scientific and technical way.

They also selected places for planting Elaeagnus angustifolia and Actinidia chinensis with rich contents of vitamin C that can be used as raw materials for making foodstuffs and medicines and made progress in research for acclimatizing the trees and improving their wintering nature. 

They are also introducing scientific methods for producing saplings of economic value like dawn redwood that can be used as timber and a cutting method that ensures high rooting rate and fast growth. 

As the regional-industry factories are being built at a fast pace, they are now striving to share and spread research findings and experiences gained in creating forests of economic value including good varieties of dwarf Evodia daniellii. Under a long-term plan to make effective use of all mountains, they are making vigorous efforts to this end. 


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