A wave of patriotism sweeps the whole country
March 20, 2025Patriotism is an original feature of the DPRK people.
Many people put in their heart and soul for the prosperity of the country with a high sense of patriotism. Among them are the coal and other miners who perform feats with increased coal and mineral production in the hundreds of metres deep underground pits, the builders of the power-transmission pylons who have worked with patriotic conscience in the remote mountainous areas for decades, the high-yielding farmers who cultivate the fields, the tideland reclaimers who expand the acreage of arable land of the country, smelters, lumberjacks, road keepers, postmen, cobblers and others.
The whole country is brimming with patriotic fervour, with young people volunteering to work in the difficult and labour-consuming sectors and grand construction sites for the advance and development of the country rather than seeking personal pleasure and many ordinary women bringing up their children healthily to become pillars of the country.
Two years ago, workers of the coal mine for supplying coal to Jagang Province under the Kaechon Area Coal-mining Complex performed such a patriotic deed of lighting the torch of a socialist patriotic movement for increased coal production. Last year the workers of the Kwangmyong Pit of the Unpha Mine waged a vigorous increased production drive, thus achieving innovative successes of fulfilling their yearly national economic plan ahead of schedule and mining over 14 000 tons of more ores.
This year, the workers of the Sangwon Cement Complex set a miraculous goal of increasing production ten times as much as last year's increased output and worked hard to register the highest monthly production results in January since its inauguration. In response to the campaign for increased production launched in Sangwon, the workers of the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex produced thousands of tons of more fertilizer than the plan in January and those of the Namyang Coal Mine under the Tokchon Area Coal-mining Complex produced well over 10 000 tons of more coal than their plan in more than 40 days in the new year.
Then what feeling underlies the patriotic devotion of all these people living on this land?
It is their earnest desire to repay the benevolent country.
The workers of the coal mine for supplying coal to Jagang Province started the movement for increased production to return even a bit the infinite loving care of the country which provides their children with school things, new school uniforms, bags, shoes and dairy products.
All the people in the flood-hit areas are out to perform feats at the major projects for the prosperity of the socialist country which saved their lives from the unexpected flood damage last year and provides them with things dozens and hundreds of times more than they lost.
Ri Kwang Chol, leader of ore transport workteam No. 2 of Kwangmyong Pit, who had a photo taken with General Secretary
The DPRK is advancing courageously, full of confidence in the bright future of the socialist cause, as it has a large army of such patriots.