KCNA commentary warns against US’ any war reinforcements

March 17, 2025

The US is getting ever more undisguised in its intention to become the most hostile and confrontational entity to the DPRK through practical actions.

Recently, a squadron of F-35Bs, the latest stealth fighter stationed in the US mainland, has been additionally deployed in the US military base in Iwakuni of Japan.

F-35B, capable of making an immediate sortie as it can vertically take off and land like helicopters, is one of the main forces of the US marines and constitutes a core reinforcement and strategic asset the US intends to dispatch first to the ROK in time of contingency.

The US marines’ two squadrons of F-35B stealth fighters already deployed in the Iwakuni base have always been involved in various US-led war drills conducted in the vicinity of the Korean peninsula to practise their performance of operational mission.

The US Indo-Pacific Command and other war forces in the field are now inciting war fever to the full, asserting that the air combat capability of the US marines in Japan would make a greater contribution to the combined joint operation with allies in the Indo-Pacific region through the additional deployment of F-35Bs and that the bolstering of deterrent force is expected to prove effective.

The additional deployment of offensive war reinforcements to cope with contingency in the Korean peninsula is hourly increasing the unpredictability of actual armed conflict and nuclear war.

As known, the large-scale joint military exercises Freedom Shield 2025 including a nuclear war rehearsal aimed at a "preemptive strike" on the core facilities and areas of the DPRK is being frantically staged in the puppet ROK. And the US Navy's nuclear carrier Carl Vinson task force is involved in various joint drills while staying in the waters off the Korean peninsula.

At a critical point when an accidental gunshot may cause a physical conflict between the two sides, the improvement of capability to fight a war of the local forces and the additional deployment of offensive reinforcements are being carried out in parallel.

No one in the world will believe that this is a mere demonstration or a passing warning of the US.

It is the undeniable reality witnessed by the international community that in the Korean peninsula and the region the US war machines with no brake applied have switched to an accelerated motion that can no longer be stopped.

This year, the deployment of US strategic assets targeting the DPRK has visibly increased and the US-led bilateral and multilateral war drills have been conducted successively. This clearly proves that the US policy hostile towards the DPRK is the immutable "legacy of its regime" handed down hereditarily irrespective of regime change and a bad habit of unconditionally denying the DPRK.

The US’ desperate moves of military adventurism aimed at creating military imbalance and inciting a new geopolitical conflict in the Korean peninsula and the rest of Northeast Asia provide the DPRK with reasonable justifications and the urgent need to give a tougher warning of action.

It is our invariable judgement and correct answer to respond to those who worship upper hand in strength with the language and action they only can understand.

Will F-35Bs be the first to advance to the battlefield in time of contingency on the Korean peninsula?

It is absurd.

The US anti-communist outposts which neglect and infringe upon the security concern and interests of the DPRK and put the whole area under the critical situation are within the constant sighting and striking range of the DPRK's armed forces with unlimited strength.

Any war reinforcements of the US will be completely contained and wiped out.


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