Tens of millions of saplings produced at Central Tree Nursery

March 15, 2025

Officials and employees of the Central Tree Nursery under the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection cultivated tens of millions of saplings of more than 50 species and sent them to provincial tree nurseries and major projects.

The officials direct efforts to making sure that all its employees improve the sapling growing techniques through the dissemination of advanced forest science and technology.

Employees secured hundreds of tons of compost and hukposan fertilizer to improve the soil fertility of outdoor cultivation ground while meeting the requirements of technical regulations in the production processes including seed treatment and germination.

They introduced advanced cultivation techniques according to the growth and stages and produced and supplied plant nutrition activators to provide all saplings with favourable environment and conditions.

Technicians and skilled workers improved the performance of sprinkler equipment needed for raising saplings in greenhouses.

Meanwhile, they have made progress in the research into acclimatizing the saplings of dozens of tree species. 


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