Women volunteers increase in Jagang Province

March 13, 2025

More than 250 women in Jagang Province have volunteered to work at posts of socialist construction.

A large number of primary women's union officials and its members in Janggang and Rangnim counties vowed to work at the theatres for implementing the Workers' Party of Korea's regional development policy.

Housewives in Jonchon County volunteered to work at new workplaces with the firm determination to glorify their honour as socialist working people.

Women's union members in Huichon City and Junggang, Tongsin, Hwaphyong and other counties volunteered to work at factories and farms.

Meetings to congratulate the volunteers took place in the relevant city and counties.

Congratulatory performances were given at the end of the meetings, and officials and women's union members warmly saw the volunteers off. 


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