Plant indigenous to Korea Keumkangsania latisepala

March 11, 2025

Keumkangsania latisepala is a perennial ramose plant found in 1921 in the area of Komsan Pass and Rangnim Mountains in Korea. 

Growing up to 20 to 80 centimetres high, it has relatively thick roots and upright stems whose upper parts are crooked. 

The simple-leaf plant is oval and serrated in the margin. 

It produces congested racemes of hermaphrodite flowers between July and September. The flowers are bluish purple or white in colour. It rarely produces single overhanging raceme. 

The ovobate seedball (1-1.4cm long and 0.5-0.8cm in diameter) ripens between September and October. When the fruit ripens, the base of its side wall bursts in three pieces. 

The plant is planted in parks and gardens as an ornament or pots for the decoration of rooms. 

It looks similar to Keumkangsania asiatica, but the lower part of the petal is larger and wider and the lobate end of the corolla does not bend backward.


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