Crime-ridden society

March 7, 2025

Crimes continue to happen in Japan.

Recently, a man and his wife stabbed each other with kitchen knives, and the woman died on the spot. 

And a grandson was arrested by the police for trying to kill his grandmother with a kitchen knife and a man detained for strangling his wife with a rope.

“Family is not necessary to obtain money” and “Let me live for myself”—this is the outlook on life rampant in Japan.

As human ethics are decided by money and extreme misanthropy is endlessly rife in Japanese society, many unimaginably horrible incidents occur there. For example, a man killed his mother by pouring hot water on her for five hours, an eldest son chopped his father to death with an axe, a woman in her 40s murdered her mother and cut her body into pieces to put them in several sacks, a grandson slayed his grandmother, a woman burnt the corpse of her suckling and threw it away by the seashore and another woman threw away her newborn baby in a lavatory.

The number of the criminal cases that occurred in Japan last year reached 737 679, an increase of 34 328 cases over the previous year. This means that the number increased for three consecutive years.

Serious criminal cases, including murder and robbery increased by 2 242.

Crimes are a tendency and incurable malignant tumour of Japanese society.


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