Steady efforts made for construction for the people

March 5, 2025

Amid the close concern of the whole country, groundbreaking ceremonies took place in succession in February, when the sign of spring is felt, according to the Workers’ Party of Korea’s plan for prosperity and happiness for this year.

The ceremonies included those for the construction of a hospital and leisure complex in Kangdong County for the Regional Development 20×10 Policy, the largest-ever greenhouse farm and vegetable science research centre, the Ragwon County Offshore Farm and the fourth-stage project to build 10 000 flats in the Hwasong area which constitutes the final-stage task for the completion of the five-year plan for the capital city construction decided by the Eighth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea. 

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said while making a significant speech at the groundbreaking ceremony for the fourth-stage project to build 10 000 flats in the Hwasong area:

"To be frank, these days I am really tired and busy attending inauguration and groundbreaking ceremonies that have been scheduled one after another. We are facing such moments of drastic change."

Indeed, monumental structures for the people are mushrooming in the DPRK as inauguration and groundbreaking ceremonies are held one after another.

As new modern streets spring up in Pyongyang every year, the “season of moving into new houses” starts every spring. And rural areas are filled with deep emotion and joy of agricultural workers throughout the year as they receive new houses. 

The Regional Development 20×10 Policy was pushed forward to raise the material and cultural life of the people across the country a level higher as scheduled, with the result that the first entities of the implementation of the policy showed up in 20 counties.

All these are the manifestation of the steadfast will of the WPK to carry out the construction projects for the people without fail no matter how difficult the conditions may be.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is determined to push ahead with the construction, in which the people are actually interested and which is directly related to their life, without the slightest delay, even though other construction projects are readjusted.

The construction of 10 000 flats in the Songhwa area, the first-stage project in the building of 50 000 flats in the capital city decided by the Eighth Congress of the WPK, was confronted with greater challenges and obstacles than ever before, but it was carried out unconditionally and the first-, second- and third-stage projects to build 10 000 flats were also implemented in the Hwasong area every year.

The construction of rural houses is also being pushed dynamically to transform all rural areas of the country as well as the capital city all at once and simultaneously.

The Workers' Party of Korea is concerned about every detail to provide agricultural workers with splendid cradles, including the issue of building various rural houses in conformity with the topographical features of the relevant areas, the issue of ensuring modernity and cultural and political characters in construction and the issue of perfectly finishing the interior of structures and landscaping their surroundings. In the past three years rural houses for more than 80 700 families were built in over 1 500 rural villages and this year, too, the construction of rural houses will continue vigorously.

The construction for improving the material and cultural life of the people is also progressing apace.

The Regional Development 20×10 Policy is a gigantic revolution to rid the regional areas of their centuries-old backwardness and realize the long-cherished desires of the local people. It is a huge task requiring serious consideration, immense courage and strenuous efforts.

However, the WPK successfully built regional-industry factories in 20 counties in a year at the Party’s and state’s expense, according to the promise it had made with the people. It has additionally shouldered the medium- and long-term task of simultaneously building advanced public health facilities, leisure complexes and integrated grain storage facilities essential for regional development.

The construction for the people’s happiness will continue more dynamically, as the WPK keeps the people-first principle as its political idea and basic political mode of socialism and it is led by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who devotes his all to the good of the people as he holds them in high esteem and is willing to take every pain for them. 


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