Performances of art groups of ministries and national agencies are going on at the People's Palace of Culture, the Pyongyang Grand Theatre and the Central Youth Hall in celebration of the 83rd anniversary of the birth of Chairman Kim Jong Il.
Performances were recently given by those from the Ministry of Coal Industry, the Agricultural Commission, the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection, the Ministry of Urban Management, the Central Committee of the Socialist Patriotic Youth League and other units.
They were seen by officials of commissions, ministries and national agencies and other working people, youth and students in Pyongyang.
Put on the stages were such numbers as narration and choruses "The General Is Immortal as the Sun" and "The Glow over Kangson", storytelling and song "Cheers of the People" and poetic narrative "Lifeline".
The performers sang in praise of the revolutionary exploits of Kim Jong Il who laid a solid foundation for building a powerful country while making an uninterrupted forced march of ardent love for and devotion to the country and people all his life.
Through the numbers adding to the ardent yearning for the peerless patriot and popular leader, the audience solemnly recollected the devoted efforts made by Kim Jong Il who kept “The people are God” as his lifelong motto and crossed high and rugged passes of the country on his people-bound train till the last days of his revolutionary leadership.
The performances were acclaimed by the audience as they were of high ideological and artistic value and consistent with the spirit of vigorous advance.