Enlarged meeting of plenum of SWUK Central Committee held
February 6, 2025The enlarged meeting of the 13th Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea took place on February 4.
Present there were members and alternate members of the SWUK Central Committee and, as observers, officials of the women's union from Pyongyang and local areas.
The meeting discussed the issue of thoroughly implementing the decisions of the Eleventh Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and the issue of revising some contents of the Rules of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea.
Jon Hyang Sun, chairwoman of the SWUK Central Committee, made a report.
The report analyzed and reviewed the successes and shortcomings made and revealed in the work of the women's union last year and set forth the tasks for radically improving its work this year.
The reporter called on the women's union organizations at all levels to focus on the internal work of the union and thus make their members keep the loyalty to the Party Central Committee as an element of their faith, prepare them to be true patriotic women pushing forward the new era of great changes and make the primary organizations the ones with strong fighting efficiency.
She called on all women to fulfil their responsibility and role as mothers in bringing up their children to be reliable pillars of socialist construction and actively find out and do good things conducive to putting the country's educational foundation on a new high.
She stressed the need for the women's union officials to definitely turn the struggle against anti-socialist and non-socialist practices which undermine our ideology and social system into the work of the masses themselves and lead the union members in the van by setting examples.
Then followed speeches.
Relevant resolutions were adopted at the meeting.