Seminar on respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's work held

November 30, 2024

A seminar took place at the Hall of Women in Pyongyang on November 28 to mark the first anniversary of the publication of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's famous work "On Duty of Mothers for Their Families and Society".

Present there were officials of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea and its members in Pyongyang.

Presented at the seminar were papers explaining and proving the validity and vitality of the idea and theory set forth in the work and the ways for implementing the important tasks.

Speakers said that the important speech made by Kim Jong Un at the Fifth National Conference of Mothers serves as immortal guidelines to be held fast to by all mothers in fulfilling their responsibility and duty for their families and society, bearing in mind once again the great honour and mission given by the times and revolution on the patriotic road for the eternal prosperity of the country.

They said that the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un clarified the principled issues arising in possessing the qualities of communist mothers.

They stressed that it is the duty of mothers in the DPRK to bring up their children as pillars of building socialism and communism and masters of future society so that they would invariably follow the road of loyalty and patriotism.

Speakers called on the women's union organizations to powerfully enlist all their members in the work to build a powerful socialist country, regarding it as their important task to increase the ranks of communist mothers. 


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