Buying a house, unachievable dream in US

November 14, 2024

Harvard University and the Gallup poll of the US published reports on the housing situation which has become an urgent issue among the Americans.

According to statistics recently published in the country, including Harvard’s 2024 national report on the present state of dwelling houses, the prices of houses have risen by 29 percent and the rent by 26 percent since 2020.

For example, the sale price of middle-class houses reached a record high of $427 490 in September, a 3.8% rise over the previous year.

With the cost of living and inflation rate continuously going up, it is a hard problem for American families to collect money to buy or rent houses.

A woman living with a little daughter in a single-room rented house in the suburbs of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, said it is impossible to have her own house and she resorts to every possible means to earn money, but in vain.

She anxiously said that when she extended the house lease contract in December last year, the monthly rental was 100 dollars higher and that it might soar again this winter.

For many Americans in the similar situation, it is by no means easy to live in rented houses.

Families who eke out a living on the minimum wage dare not rent even a single-room house.

The skyrocketing house price is a problem. And another problem is the shortage of houses.

Reportedly, the US suffers from a shortage of houses for 3.9 million families.

According to an opinion poll, half of the respondents aged from 30 to 64 think that it is an unachievable dream to “own their houses”.

Whenever elections take place in the US, politicians loudly advertise that they would solve the housing problem in order to get even one more vote, but actually no practical measures have been taken. It is nothing but a sophism and hypocrisy to deceive the people and hold power.

For many Americans, “to own my house” is becoming an impossible dream to realize.


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