Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visits construction site for recovery in flood-hit areas of Jagang Province

October 22, 2024

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, gave field guidance at the construction site for rehabilitating the flood-hit areas in Jagang Province on October 21.

He was accompanied by Jo Yong Won and Ri Il Hwan, secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK, and relevant cadres of the Party Central Committee.

He was greeted on the spot by Pak Hun, vice-premier of the DPRK Cabinet, Pak Song Chol, chief secretary of the Jagang Provincial Committee of the WPK, and commanding officers of the provincial regiments of Party members involved in the recovery project.

Builders of the regiments of Party members, who were dispatched to the rehabilitation areas in Jagang Province in order to implement the decision of the Party Central Committee on building wonderful houses as early as possible in the flood-hit areas in North Phyongan, Jagang and Ryanggang provinces that were severely destroyed by flooding in July, have completed the housing construction in the main by powerfully waging a 24-7 struggle and are vigorously pushing ahead with the interior work at the final stage.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un went round the reconstruction site and learned in detail about the progress of housing construction.

He acknowledged the painstaking efforts of the builders and gave warm encouragement to them, who are devoting their pure conscience and sincere efforts at the difficult and challenging posts true to the call of the Party, fully displaying the spirit of devoted service for the people, extraordinary sense of responsibility and strong executive ability.

Expressing satisfaction over the fact that the flood-hit areas, reduced to ruin in an instant by an unexpected natural disaster, are undergoing a radical change without any sign of disaster, he spoke highly of the precious feats of the combatants of the regiments of Party members who are faithfully discharging their noble mission and duty as members of the Workers’ Party at the rehabilitation project site for the flood victims, far away from their dear homes and workplaces.

He called for working hard to bring earlier the happy moment of providing good houses for the flood victims who are waiting for the day of living in new villages and new houses even at this moment.

He referred to a series of deviations revealed in the design and construction of multi- and low-storey houses in the flood-hit areas, and analyzed their reasons. And he clarified the measures to be taken by the state in the future for overcoming the relevant deviations in the recovery work and, furthermore, for launching a vigorous struggle for the overall regional construction. He continued:

I have already stressed on many occasions that architecture is an extension of politics as it is a criterion showing the height of the ideas, national strength and civilization in a visual way, and, therefore, even if we have to build one structure, we should regard it as the one related with the self-respect, dignity and honour of our times. Still some deviations to underrating the quality of buildings are being revealed. They must be rectified.

Just like monumental edifices springing up in different parts of the country, the houses under construction for the flood victims are precious assets of the state and the people, which should be guaranteed forever. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome even the slightest shortcomings perfectly and direct greater efforts to ensuring perfection. A decision will be made to prolong the period of completion of the housing projects in the affected areas, scheduled to be finished by early November, to early December.

He gave detailed instructions on taking practical measures to ensure that the inhabitants and schoolchildren of the flood-hit areas staying in Pyongyang would not feel inconvenience in their living, as the housing construction would be delayed.

Noting that a large number of houses for the flood victims are being built all at once in every flood-hit area of the country thanks to the heroic struggle of the Party members, young people and service personnel and to the support of all the people across the country, he said this gigantic undertaking is not confined to the practical issue of building houses but a crucial political issue of defending the character of our-style socialist system based on the people-first principle and demonstrating its advantages. And calling on all the builders to give fuller play to their extraordinary patriotic enthusiasm and indomitable will so as to successfully wind up the housing construction and provide houses to the flood victims with delight, he set forth the tasks arising in completing the project.

He stressed that it is important for the construction inspection organs to make exacting demands and increase their role.

He also gave detailed instructions on such important tasks as ensuring timely and responsible transport and supply of materials without interrupting the project schedule, properly greening the residential areas along with the housing construction and taking good care of the builders in their living conditions.

That day the Secretariat of the WPK Central Committee decided to newly dispatch the chief and the political chief of the field headquarters for rehabilitating the flood-hit areas in Jagang Province.

Expressing expectation and belief that the Party members, young people and service personnel, whom the Party Central Committee had dispatched to the difficult and arduous yet sacred and worthwhile struggle with great trust, would remain faithful to their heavy mission to the end in the patriotic construction sites for the country and the people, he ardently called for making redoubled efforts once again to build a splendid paradise for the people in the flood-hit areas without fail.

All the builders were filled with a firm determination to make the flames of loyalty and patriotism flare up more highly and vigorously struggle for the socialist country, responding with a firm pledge to the ardent call of the Party Central Committee.


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