Russian FM spokeswoman censures US, puppet ROK for aggravating military tension

September 28, 2024

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, at a press conference held on September 20 on the sidelines of the Fourth Eurasian Women’s Forum in St Petersburg, criticized the US and the puppet ROK for aggravating military tension on the Korean peninsula.

Noting that the US and the ROK continue to intensify military activities on the Korean peninsula, she said that their allies are staging military drills in a militarily sensitive area and developing a scenario for deploying and using the US strategic and tactical nuclear forces in case a large-scale military conflict occurs on the peninsula.

After establishing the triangular military alliance with Japan, the US and the ROK are pushing ahead with a joint plan for waging a tripartite inter-service exercise on a regular basis. In parallel with this, they are attempting to revive the so-called “UN Command”, a notorious remnant in the ROK, she decried.

The “UN Command” is, in actuality, under the control of the US Defense Department, not the United Nations, and the three countries are discussing an issue of mobilizing the so-called “allied forces” in the dispute against the DPRK, she noted.

The revanchist idea to change the inherent position of the Korean peninsula is instigating military tension, she said, adding that the US and the ROK should realize the consequences of their military moves and the dangerousness of their frantic attempt to contend with the DPRK which has the legitimate right to self-defence like all other UN member states.


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