Stamp exhibition begins to mark DPRK founding anniversary

September 7, 2024

A stamp exhibition celebrating the 76th DPRK birthday, "Powerful Socialist Country Prospering Forever", began at the Korean Stamps Museum in Pyongyang on September 5.

Stamps carrying photos of President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il and the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un are on display at the exhibition venue.

Those stamps remind visitors of the sacred revolutionary history of the President who built an invincible socialist state, independent in politics, self-supporting in the economy and self-reliant in national defence, on this land and laid a solid foundation for prosperity under the banner of Juche.

There are also stamps showing the patriotic devotion of the Chairman who led the socialist cause of Juche along the road of shinning victory, holding aloft the red flag of the revolution all his life.

Other stamps tell the visitors the immutable truth that the dignity and prestige of our powerful state are demonstrated to the full and today’s self-respect and prosperity bringing about unprecedented great changes and miracles are guaranteed as they are led by Kim Jong Un.


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