Constant efforts directed to educational development

September 6, 2024

Today, the Workers’ Party of Korea works out grand plans in succession to achieve the prosperity of the state and welfare of the people. 

The successful implementation of them is guaranteed by education. 

Our education sector continues to put big efforts into reorganizing the educational structure so as to provide advanced education.

Education guidance institutions at all levels are working to set up necessary subjects, courses and faculties, build up the ranks of teachers and improve education a level higher by developing teaching contents and methods in a more concrete, diverse and practical way so as to train competent talents.

Accordingly, they attach special importance to improving the methods of examination and ability evaluation. 

They also put spurs to solving theoretical and practical problems arising in further perfecting the general educational structure, so as to provide students education according to their natural aptitude while giving them enough general basic knowledge, and in putting the higher educational structure on the world’s advanced level.

They take it as mid- and long-term plans to positively create and introduce advanced teaching styles, methods and educational technology, so that students can develop the abilities to think in an independent and creative way and act voluntarily from childhood, and to increase the proportion of experiments, practical training and teaching of practical skills, and are pushing on with the plans.

They also channel persevering efforts into building up the ranks of teachers and enhancing their abilities and qualifications by pressing on with the campaign for radically improving their qualifications. To this end, they work to solve the problems of upgrading teachers’ training, consolidating their ranks and strengthening the re-education system for those in active service.

In keeping with the innovation in the educational structure and teaching contents and methods, they also push the projects for completely changing the educational conditions and environment.

The education sector recently succeeded in developing and introducing an experiment simulation program for each subject which helps students develop abilities to think in an independent and creative way and act voluntarily from childhood.

Based on our successes, we will make better progress in the educational development of the country and thus produce substantial results.

Yom Tae Son, head of the higher education department of the Ministry of Education

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