‘I cannot forget the benevolent image of Chairman Kim Jong Il for ever’

August 30, 2024

I have an unusual memory of the days of service in the Korean People’s Army.

I served at a coastal battery of the Persimmon-Tree Company, which is well-known across the country.

Even today, whenever people call me accordionist of the Persimmon-Tree Company, I recollect in deep emotion the days when I met Chairman Kim Jong Il and played the accordion in his presence.

A little over one year after I joined in the army, I met the Chairman.

I never dreamed that the Chairman would visit my company when the sea was raging on his way for inspecting the KPA units.

It was one day in early February 1995 when he visited my company for the first time.

With paternal love, he looked round all places of the company, learning about the military service of the girl solders, and saw our artistic performance.

That day, I played the accordion portraying our merry and optimistic life. We could not get asleep the whole night with the feeling of happiness of seeing him.

A few months later as we heard the news that we would stage an artistic performance in his presence again, we were all full of delight.

That day he was all smiles as he saw us, who had grown up as stout soldiers.

When each number of our colourful performance like chorus, narrative, solo and small chorus that were filled with the mettle and optimism of coastal artillerywomen who defend the sea of the country ended, he clapped his hands before others, and said that the level of our performance was very high.

Today, there are photos in my house, which I posed with Chairman Kim Jong Il in the days at the Persimmon-Tree Company. Looking at the photos, I reflect my yearning for him on the melodies of the accordion of those days.

And I renew my resolve to devote all my wisdom and passion to make my country more prosperous as he desired.

Jong Hye Yong, department head of the Central District People’s Committee in Pyongyang

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