Priority given to cultivation and manuring of crops

August 27, 2024

The Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea stressed that it should be the major target in economic construction this year to unconditionally attain the grain production goal by concentrating all means and forces on farming and that efforts should be directed to minimizing the effects of abnormal weather conditions and to manuring and cultivating crops in a scientific and technical way.

Recently, it rained frequently and heavily and was cloudy across the country.

And the consequent high atmospheric humidity and low rate of sunshine would exert negative effects on the growth of crops. 

The present reality demands that agricultural workers devote redoubled efforts to manuring and cultivating crops.

To ensure that the efforts made so far lead to be successful, crop damage due to abnormal weather conditions should be minimized.

This is the most important issue in this year’s farming.

At present the agricultural workers have buckled down to the work for boosting the growth of crops.

With a high sense of responsibility for the farming in their regions and units, they cultivate crops with passionate devotion and in a scientific and technological way to reap good harvest.

They are in close contact with the hydro-meteorological sector to make full preparations to cope with unfavourable situation.

Special attention is being paid to regularly checking the state of rivers, embankments and irrigation facilities and taking relevant measures.

They are also taking measures to mobilize all the forces and means in improving the growth of crops and minimizing the loss of the yield when damage occurs.

To ensure safety growth of crops, various nutritious and growth-promoting agents are top-dressed on the crops and blight preventing measures are taken.

In particular, agricultural workers in the Orori Plain and the northern part of the east coast of Korea are pooling efforts and wisdom with scientists to manage water of their crop fields in a proper way and produce and apply effective sterilizers and nutritive solutions, thereby ensuring safe and normal growth of crops.

Meanwhile, several farms have introduced into farming such agro-technical products as grain ripening promoter, natural biological activator and plant activating fertilizer according to specific conditions of their regions and units.

It is the mental strength of the masses of the people, not heaven, that decides the farming.

The wilder the nature gets, the greater the efforts and fighting spirit of the agricultural workers, masters of the farming, become, and a sure guarantee is thus being provided for the attainment of the grain production goal this year.


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