Spectacular scenery in a new farm village

August 26, 2024

Spectacular scenery has been created in Tapsang-ri, Unsan County, North Phyongan Province, adding emotion to the mountainous village. 

A water park was built in the farm village, where single-storey, low-storey and terraced houses stand surrounded by various trees and flower shrubs.

In the water park, furnished with well over a 100m-long swimming pool and a wading pool with slides, people, young and old, are enjoying swimming and wading.

An old man, who lived here all his life, said: This is the Pulgyong Stream, and it caused much trouble in olden times. Whenever a heavy rain fell, the surrounding farmland and houses were inundated. But in the era of the Workers’ Party the stream has been transformed with the construction of the water park. It is admirable that the farmers live in new houses built by the state and enjoy a cultural life to their heart’s content.

Seeing the farmers cheering the swimmers, an official of the farm said that after the water park was built in his rural community, interest in sports has increased among the farmers and an optimistic way of life has been created throughout the village.

According to him, the farmers were excited to hear last year that a water park with a sandy volleyball and badminton courts would be built together with wonderful houses.

Thank to the loving care of the country to provide them with a civilized life, they thought they should prepare themselves as befits agricultural workers living in the era of rural civilization.

Since then, farmers, busy as they were with farming and learning agricultural science and technology, became enthusiastic about learning swimming and playing volleyball and badminton whenever they managed to find time.

They say that civilization has come to their mountainous village.

An official of the farm said, “This water park will turn into a skating ground in winter, and then another scene will be unfolded in our village."

The locals are very proud of the water park, saying: 

The number of visitors to the village is increasing day by day. A few days ago, even the urban people, who had been to the county on a business trip, came to the water park. Thanks to the benevolence of the Party, our village has become famous.

A farmer, after playing volleyball, said that he felt invigorating after having a good time of rest, and that he was determined to fulfil his duty as a farmer, keeping in mind the gratitude for the Party which provided them with a new, happy life no less inferior to that of urbanites.


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