Mass consumer goods production movement gains momentum

August 20, 2024

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the start of the August 3 consumer goods production movement.

On August 3 1984, Chairman Kim Jong Il visited the Pyongyang municipal light-industry products exhibition. There he saw various kinds of consumer goods produced by many units in the city by exploring and tapping internal reserves and possibilities and indicated the orientation and ways to increase the production of consumer goods.

Since then, the August 3 consumer goods production movement has begun.

Later, the Chairman established a regular guidance system over the movement and wisely led it so that all regions and units across the country to produce more consumer goods by organizing national exhibitions, experience-sharing meetings and products shows frequently and vigorously waging the movement for winning the title of model county (city or district) of August 3 consumer goods production. 

On August 3 2010, he visited the consumer goods exhibition of South Hamgyong Province to give instructions on how to promote the movement as required by the developing reality.

It is the intention of the Workers' Party of Korea to bring about a turn in improving the people's standard of living by making quality consumer goods favoured and desired by the people through a mass movement for the production of August 3 consumer goods like that in the 1980s when the whole country was seething with the production of August 3 consumer goods.

In his policy speech at the Fifth Session of the 14th Supreme People's Assembly in September 2021, Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, stressed the need to boost the production of August 3 consumer goods.

At the Third Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea in September 2021, he noted that the light industry sector should forge ahead with recycling more actively and scientifically and technologically, organize the production and supply of consumer goods in a planned and effective way and widely expand the production of daily necessities and August 3 consumer goods on the basis of the comprehensive and detailed survey of the people’s demands in their life.

He also ensured that the national exhibition of August 3 consumer goods was held every year to become an important occasion for making marked progress in the production and quality improvement of consumer goods and promoting the experience sharing and technical exchange.

Through the August 3 consumer goods production movement for producing the wealth needed for life by themselves, with their efforts and by tapping internal reserves, the people’s life grows richer and they feel greater pride and self-confidence in their own things and cherish a high sense of patriotism to add glory to them.

This is the vitality of the August 3 consumer goods production movement.

The production of consumer goods is growing day by day thanks to the redoubled efforts of the producers of August 3 consumer goods across the country to supply more quality consumer goods to the people. The national August 3 consumer goods exhibition-2024 was held on the theme of “On higher quality and more useful” at the Pyongyang Underground Shop this year.


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