Living monument, otters in Taehung

August 19, 2024

The habitat of otters in Taehung is a riverside in Hyangu-ri 8.5 kilometres north of the township of Taehung County, South Phyongan Province of the DPRK.

The location, in which several tributaries in the upper stream of the Taedong River converge, is a mountainous area in which most of the area is 500 to 1 000 metres above sea level.

It is home to coniferous trees such as Korea larch, Abies nephrolepis, spruce, pine and pine-nut trees, and broad-leaf trees including oak, Korean poplar and linden, which form thick mixed forests.

Rivers in this area are clear, with their currents being swift and there are shoals in different places.

By the riverside, there are rocks and various shrubs and grasses.

The river abounds with a variety of fish such as char, Pseudogobio esocinus and minnow and invertebrates as well.

As only mammal species living in the fresh water, the otters in Taehung are under good protection.

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