Japan defends reputation as ‘kingdom’ of murder

August 7, 2024

Cold-blooded murders are occurring successively in Japan, adding to the social unrest and horror. 

The number of killings between relatives has hardly decreased in the country in July after June and therefore it retains its notoriety as the “kingdom” of murders. 

The police arrested a woman who committed an outrage on her 7-year-old daughter along with a man and left her to death, and a woman who left the body of her brother at home. 

A 64-year-old woman killed her aged stepmother in Nagano prefecture and a woman murdered her old mother in Tokyo. 

Meanwhile, a man violently killed his wife and a woman who threw her baby in a mountain was arrested in Niigata prefecture. 

What is worse is that the criminals take such vicious murders as a matter of course. 

As Japanese society based on individualism is so corrupt and depraved people do not hesitate to commit parricide and filicide, if it were in their own interests. 

This world needs no one except “ego”–this is the extremely selfish view on life and ethics, which dominates the consciousness of people in Japanese society where immorality and depravity are rampant.

As they are mentally and morally corrupt, they kill their parents and children, regarding them as troublesome.

A Japanese professor deplored that the law of the jungle and the extreme misanthropy prevailing in Japanese society turn people into beasts and lunatics who are ignorant of their parents and the elementary ethics of humanity.

Indeed, Japan is a futureless society which is running towards ruin. 


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