Ceremony of commemorative march of columns symbolic of units in Fatherland Liberation War held

July 28, 2024

The whole country is splendidly celebrating the great July 27, when the legendary tales about heroic miracles were recorded in the course of the ever-victorious Korean revolution.

A ceremony of commemorative march of columns symbolic of units in the Fatherland Liberation War was held in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, on the evening of July 27 to mark the 71st anniversary of great victory in the Fatherland Liberation War, demonstrating the pride peculiar to our people, who are greeting the glorious holiday of victory of our state from one century to the next and from one generation to the next, and the continuity of the tradition of victory.

The plaza of the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium, where portraits of the first defenders of the Republic who saved the country and people at the crossroads of survival and ruin and defended peace would pass as the ones of immortality, was full of deep reverence for the victors of the great years.

Amid the playing of welcome music, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un appeared on the platform, together with war veterans.

The moment, cheers of "Hurrah!" burst out from all the participants in the celebrations, looking up to Kim Jong Un, the outstanding leader of our Party, state and people, who is bringing about epochal miracles and changes while vigorously writing the ever-victorious heroic history with his great ideas and extraordinary leadership, echoed through the sky of the capital city.

Kim Jong Un waved back to the enthusiastically cheering participants.

War veterans, who had worked for a long time in the Party, government and military, took their seats on the platform.

Senior Party and government officials, commanding officers of the Ministry of National Defence and commanders of the large combined units of the Korean People’s Army took the platform.

Present there at invitation were diplomatic envoys and members of missions of foreign countries in Pyongyang.

Taking the auditorium were the participants in the celebrations of the 71st anniversary of victory in the Fatherland Liberation War, leading officials of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, service personnel, officials and persons of merits at ministries, national agencies and Pyongyang Municipality, students of revolutionary schools and university students.

The plaza of the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium and its vicinity were crowded with the citizens who gathered to see the ceremony of commemorative march.

When the bugle call was sounded signalling the start of the ceremony, the combined military band showed a ceremony with light melody, powerful rhythm and characteristic skills with the excitement and joy that filled the square of war victory over 70 years ago.

The columns, symbolic of units in the period of the Fatherland Liberation War, began commemorative march courteously holding the portrait of President Kim Il Sung, an invincible and iron-willed brilliant commander who changed the “ever-victorious” tradition of the arrogant US imperialists into the one of disgrace and defeat and put the proud name and flag of the DPRK on the height of a powerful country by leading the newly-built DPRK.

The column, symbolic of the Bodyguard Company, marched in the van holding wartime portraits of fervent loyalists including Hyon Chol Hae, Yon Hyong Muk, Pak Song Bong and Sim Chang Wan, who were bullet-proof walls in defending the Supreme Headquarters during the hard-fought war, bearing the firm faith that all victories and glory lie in defending the leader unto death.

The first guards unit of our revolutionary armed forces, which made distinguished contributions to achieving victory in the Fatherland Liberation War, and the columns, symbolic of legendary guards divisions, entered the square one after another, flying the colours associated with their immortal feats.

The column, symbolic of the Kang Kon Guards 2nd Infantry Division, holding in the van the portraits of DPRK heroes produced by the unit including Kang Kon, former chief of the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army, former Division Commander Choe Hyon and heroes Ri Su Bok and An Yong Ae, marched with pride of throwing the aggressors into the “punch bowl” of ruin, demonstrating matchless bravery in the battles for defending Height 1211.

In front of the columns, symbolic of the Seoul Guards 3rd Infantry Division and the Seoul Kim Chaek Guards 4th Infantry Division, which performed a miracle of liberating Seoul within 72 hours after the start of war and set a brilliant model in the modern siege campaign in the operation for liberating Taejon, were portraits of former Front Commander Kim Chaek and other brave generals of the anti-Japanese guerrilla origin.

The audience paid high tribute to the commanding officers of the first generation of the revolutionary armed forces, keenly realizing that the 1 129 days of the Fatherland Liberation War could be recorded with brilliant military achievements as the anti-Japanese revolutionary war veterans, who regarded loyalty to the leader as their lifeblood and had never made an inch of concession in support of the strategic policies and operational intentions of the Supreme Headquarters, led the guards units.

The column, symbolic of the Guards 6th Infantry Division, which freely manoeuvred on the front to perform feats with superb mobile warfare, and the column, symbolic of the Andong Choe Chun Guk Guards 12th Infantry Division, which was famous as a fierce tiger division in the eastern mountainous region, marched holding portraits of hero Han Kye Ryol, the pioneer of “My Height” movement, and other human-bomb heroes such as Kang Ho Yong and Jo Sun Ok.

The portraits of brave tankmen heroes, who rushed first into the streets of Seoul to fly the national flag of the DPRK at the enemy’s stronghold and mercilessly crushed the US imperialists’ “ever-victorious” divisions in Taejon, Taegu and Pusan could be seen in the column, symbolic of the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division.

Kim Jong Un held his hand to encourage the columns, representing the first heroic generation of the DPRK and iron-willed guardsmen, who embodied boundless loyalty to the Party and the leader, mass heroism and matchless patriotic devotion.

The column, symbolic of the 2nd Torpedo Boat Group which created a miracle of Jumunjin to be noteworthy in the world’s history of naval battle, and the column, symbolic of the Guards Hero Kim Ji Sang 56th Interceptor Group that turned the “air superiority” of the US imperialists into falling leaves, marched past the square filled with militant enthusiasm of the paraders and cheers of the spectators.

The spirit of death-defyingly implementing the order of the leader and making a breakthrough by running over scores of kilometres overnight to intercept the enemy’s retreat and the self-blasting spirit of creating legends for the victorious war and the mettle of do-or-die struggle in confrontation with the formidable enemy incomparable in forces, were reflected at the colours and the portraits of heroes of the Guards Ri Hun 18th Infantry Regiment, Guards 10th Infantry Regiment, Guards 14th Infantry Regiment and Guards 86th Infantry Regiment.

The columns, embodying the brilliant military feats of the Guards 19th AA Artillery Regiment and Guards 23rd AA Artillery Regiment for defending the sky over Pyongyang as firm as a rock to safeguard the security of the Supreme Headquarters at the cost of their lives, marched past the square.

The columns, symbolic of the guards regiments, were followed by the column, symbolic of the Ministry of the Interior, that performed distinguished feats in smashing the attempts of the enemies and disclosing and purging a large number of spies and saboteurs on the fronts behind the enemy line and the home front, and the column, symbolic of the railway soldiers, who performed matchless feats in the transport of war supplies under the shower of bullets.

All the audience sent warm applause to the columns, further hardening their will to carry forward generation after generation the fighting spirit and indomitable soul of the heroic generation who created the history of great war victory.

Then the columns of the three services of the heroic Korean People’s Army, the defenders of the DPRK’s government, who reliably defend the territory, waters and airspace of the country, entered the square in fine array, demonstrating the spirit to bring to conclusion the confrontation with the US with the victory of their powerful country and the mightiness, modernity and bravery of the revolutionary armed forces.

The matchless army column, the personifiers of the great victory that has been invariably carried forward generation after generation without weathering though many years have passed, marched majestically, holding the colours of the Ministry of National Defence and the colours of large combined units.

The people’s navy and the human-bullet flying corps also made their appearance.

The marchers of the three services were in high spirits to surely accomplish the great cause of justice for which they have prepared from one century to the next and from one generation to the next, holding fast to the ever-victorious treasured sword provided by the great Party Central Committee.

The square was filled with the pride of the people of having such an excellent army, which exalts the greatness of our Party and state and defends the people’s happiness and rosy future in the fields of defending the sovereignty and the people and bringing about gigantic creation for the eternal prosperity of the country and the well-being of the people, true to the sacred slogan inscribed on the honourable colours, and with the deep gratitude to the Party Central Committee that has brought up such a powerful army.

Kim Jong Un extended warm militant salute to the guardsmen of the new generation who defend our ideas and cause death-defyingly at the vanguard of the revolution with their weapons fully loaded with the noble soul of the victorious wartime generation.

All the marchers shouted “Hurrah!” looking up to Kim Jong Un, peerless patriot and heaven-sent, iron-willed brilliant commander, who has put the dignity and mightiness of socialist Korea on the highest level in history, handing over the tradition of great July 27 victory and the heroic spirit to posterity.

At the end of the march, an air squadron of the KPA Air Force flew in the sky above the square in a fan-shaped formation, adding to the joy of the war victory day.

The cheers of excitement reverberated far and wide, and fireworks were set off in the nocturnal sky of July.

Kim Jong Un warmly waved back to the enthusiastically cheering masses, holding his hands high.

The ceremony of the commemorative march marked a significant occasion that powerfully demonstrated the firm will of the service personnel and people to glorify the era of Kim Jong Un as an era of fresh victory, glory and prosperity, while carrying forward the 70-odd-year war-victory history of the great Juche Korea, whose origin and succession are both great.


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