July 27 of DPRK significance in world history

July 27, 2024

On July 27 1953, the two-year-old DPRK repulsed the military invasion of the US imperialists, who boasted of being the “strongest” in the world, and achieved a great victory.

The victory of the DPRK people does not only mean that they defended the dignity and sovereignty of the country.

Preventing Third World War

In terms of geographical scope, the Fatherland Liberation War was a local war which was waged on the Korean peninsula.

Openly pursuing a strategy for world domination in the international arena after World War II, the US embarked on the road of starting the Korean war to implement it. To this end, the US mapped out the “ABC plan”.

The plan was divided into three stages. The US planned to start the Korean war with the invasion of the DPRK by the US forces and the puppet ROK army in the first stage (A) and to expand the flames of the war to Manchuria with full participation of the rearmed Japanese forces and Chiang Kai-shek’s army on the pretext of “pursuit of surviving troops” in the second stage (B). It envisaged occupying the whole of Siberia up to the Urals in the final stage (C). 

Later, the US imperialists drew up the National Security Council document “NSC-68,” a war scenario for invading the former Soviet Union.

According to the plan A, the US imperialists prepared a detailed action plan to provoke a war in Korea and instigated the puppet ROK army to perpetrate military provocation against the DPRK. Under such preparations and plan they ignited the fuse of the Korean war on June 25 1950.

Defining Korea as a “test site” to estimate the success or failure of their strategy for world domination, the US imperialists committed huge forces including a third of their ground force, a fifth of their air force and most of the Pacific Fleet, and the latest military hardware at the time. And they abused the name of the UN to mobilize more than 2 million-strong forces including troops from 15 satellite countries, puppet ROK army and the Japanese militarists.

As they suffered repeated defeats in the war, US President Truman announced a statement for nuclear blackmail, whose content was the use of A-bomb. Accordingly, a “strategy for retaliation” was worked out to expand the Korean war to a nuclear and world war. 

Foreign media reported that Truman planned to annihilate a population of 700 million in Korea, China and Russia by striking them with nuclear weapons as of the start of the Korean war. Documents, which were declassified by the US military secret organs, say that US President Eisenhower also insisted on the instant use of A-bomb in the Korean war five times.

But the Korean people defeated the numerical and technological superiority of the enemies with their spiritual and moral superiority, dealing a deadly blow to them. Thanks to the heroic struggle of the Korean people, the destiny of the country and nation was defended and world peace firmly maintained.

Progress and reaction, change in world political structure

The Fatherland Liberation War (1950-1953) demonstrated that the US is neither an invincible being nor the “incarnation of the free world” and “apostle of civilization” and that the people, who turn out for the cause of justice with an indomitable will, surly win.

The World Federation of Trade Unions, in its appeal to the working people all over the world in May 1952, said that the Korean people, who had risen up to defend their country, showed an example of tenacity in the struggle against invasion and that the Korean fighters made a new impact on the resistance of the people against imperialism and colonial system all over the world.

Encouraged by the anti-US struggle of the Korean people, the colonial peoples unanimously turned out for resistance under the slogan “Let us fight like the Korean people!” It led the national liberation struggle in colonial countries and the anti-imperialist and anti-US struggle to a period of great upsurge in the 1960s. The peoples of many countries including Algeria turned out in the national liberation struggle in Africa, which had been called the “last shelter” of colonialists, and the struggle against the US and dictatorships and for liberation took place in Latin America, also known as the "quiet backyard" of the US.

As a result, in the mid-1960s the democratic camp grew stronger, bringing about a great change in the world political structure. 

A Japanese international political scientist, in an article titled “Historic significance of Korean war”, noted that the Korean war came to serve as a motive force in encouraging the world national liberation forces and rallying the non-aligned countries internationally today.

People’s Daily of China said in the editorial published on the occasion of the conclusion of the armistice agreement in Korea:

“The heroic Korean people dealt a decisive blow to the aggressors, checking the large-scale and most frantic aggressive moves committed by the imperialist camp with all their power after the Second World War and plunging the imperialist adventurers into their severe confusion, defeat and danger.”


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