Kind employees of optician’s

July 22, 2024

Glasses are small but they are an inseparable element in the daily life of people.

There are people who are well-known to many people for their service of glasses.

“Many people come to our shop because of kind and correct service of our shop assistants, I think,” said Jang Chol, staffer for service of the Pyongyang Spectacles Shop. He introduced Manageress Song Song Hui who have worked at the shop for decades. Her father Song Tae Gwan was well-known as a patriotic businessman. She was a doctor, but she decided to follow in her father’s footsteps and willingly changed her career into the glasses service sector, he said.

Song Song Hui usually says, “Kindness, correctness and scientific accuracy are the basic requirements for service. We must regard customers as our blood relations.” 

Her work principle is entirely reflected in the service activities of the shop.

The optician’s reportedly provides customers with immediate service like correct eye tests, mobile service to workplaces and families, delivery-to-order service and the processing of spectacle lens and repair of spectacle frames.

According to Kang Un Ha, a shop assistant, it gives correct eye tests to customers automatically or manually and chooses suitable glasses for them according to their ages and occupations. “I am happy to see customers delighted to wear glasses that suit their eyesight, saying they can see everything well,” she said.

An old man said that he hesitated at first when an earpiece of his glasses was broken, but he immediately remembered the kind and polite shop assistants of the optician’s and came to the shop. And he was pleased that his glasses were repaired satisfactorily.

The shop assistants feel happy as they see customers, choosing glasses they like in terms of shape, colour and function at the glasses counters for students, children and the aged, feel satisfied.

Saying that glasses are an expression of the level of civilization of people, Pak Hyon Gyong, an employee of the shop, noted that many office workers and old people came to buy glasses in the past, but now lots of university students and children want to wear spectacles to protect their eyes.

The optician’s offers free service to war veterans and special-class honoured disabled soldiers.

 “I can hardly repress the feeling of gratitude to the employees of the Pyongyang Spectacles Shop for visiting the houses of war veterans to test their eyes and serve them glasses that suit their eyesight for free and show utmost sincerity for them. Wearing glasses provided by them, I can see better. Now I can see the letters of newspapers and letters from my grandchildren clearly,” said Han Tong Su, a war veteran living in Songbuk-dong of Moranbong District, as he referred to their kind-hearted service. They bring them new glasses whenever new types of glasses are produced and he feels them like his real daughters, he added.

Kim Kwang Chol, a special-class honoured disabled soldier living in Hwasong-dong No. 2 of Hwasong District, said that Hwasong Street is marvellous as he sees it wearing glasses provided by the employees of the shop. 

Everyone who enjoyed kind service at the shop expresses deep gratitude to its employees.


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