Anniversary of victorious Sandinist people’s revolution celebrated

July 21, 2024

A celebratory event took place at the Taedonggang Diplomatic Club on July 19 under the sponsorship of the Nicaraguan embassy in Pyongyang on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Sandinist people’s revolution.

Invited there were Vice-Foreign Minister Ra Yun Bak, officials concerned, and diplomatic envoys of various countries and staff members of their embassies in the DPRK.

Manuel Modesto Munguia Martinez, Nicaraguan ambassador to the DPRK, attended the meeting.

Speeches were made there.

After referring to the historic significance of the victorious Sandinist people’s revolution, the ambassador criticized the US imperialists for their anti-Nicaraguan campaign.

He wished Marshal Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of the DPRK, good health and greater success in his work for leading the great country.

Ra Yun Bak said that the victory of the Sandinist people’s revolution was an important occasion in the history of Nicaragua for rejecting the domination and interference of foreign forces and giving a powerful impetus to the independent development of the country.

Expressing full support for the Nicaraguan government and people’s struggle for building a new society, he noted that the peoples of the two countries will always be together on the road of independence against imperialism.

The participants watched a video on the Sandinist people’s revolution.


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