Triplets leave Pyongyang Maternity Hospital

July 21, 2024

The 546th triplets left Pyongyang Maternity Hospital on July 19 amid the blessings of all people.

Their mother is Ri Sun Hui living in Hoean Workers’ District, Pukchang County, South Phyongan Province, and their father is a worker of the Phunggok Youth Coal Mine of the Pukchang Area Youth Coal-mining Complex.

Ri was committed to the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital after being confirmed to be pregnant with triplets in February and received the best medical care while using tonics including honey and a variety of nutrients.

Medical workers of the hospital took scientific treatment measures and worked hard to help Ri give birth to three daughters safely.

They weighed 1.8kg, 1.78kg and 1.76kg respectively at the time of their delivery, but they weighed 4.56kg, 5kg and 4.92kg when they left the hospital.

Medical workers warmly saw off the triplets and their parents who left the hospital in good health after receiving gifts of love including gold rings. 


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