Cabinet holds enlarged plenary meeting

July 21, 2024

An enlarged plenary meeting of the Cabinet took place on July 19 to thoroughly implement the decisions of the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

The meeting discussed and decided on important issues arising in providing a sure guarantee for the successful implementation of all tasks by the Cabinet by strengthening in every way its ability to control and guide the overall economic affairs in accordance with the central orientation of work and policy of struggle for the second half of the year adopted and indicated by the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee.

Kim Tok Hun, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet, guided the meeting.

Present there were vice-premiers Pak Jong Gun, Pak Hun, Jon Sung Guk and Jong Myong Su and other members of the Cabinet.

Also seen there as observers were officials of organs directly under the authority of the Cabinet, ministries and national agencies, chairpersons of the provincial, city and county people’s committees, officials of agricultural guidance organs and major industrial establishments.

The Premier conveyed the tasks set forth at the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK.

Speeches were made at the meeting.

Premier Kim stressed the need for all officials to reject the mechanical and stereotyped work attitude, formalism, way of working to gloss over things, subjective and arbitrary practices, abuse of power and bureaucracy and bring about substantial changes and produce good results with fresh resolve and determination in the struggle to implement the decisions of the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee, thus glorifying this year as a new and significant year.

The meeting adopted with unanimous approval an additional resolution which clarified the more detailed and scientific practical ways to bring about improvement in the work of the Cabinet and the administrative and economic affairs of the state.


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