Ever-worsening air pollution

July 19, 2024

The earth’s atmosphere is essential to human existence, but air is being polluted more seriously with the passage of time, inflicting enormous damage on the people.

According to the World Health Organization, 7 million people contract various kinds of diseases due to air pollution and lose their lives in the world every year.

The UNICEF said in a report that the particles of PM2.5, an air contaminant, are so small that they can reach the brain easily through the blood vessels and destroy the nervous system by causing inflammation there, damaging the part which is the basis of brain development. And it expressed concern that children including suckling babies under one year, in particular, might be affected easily and the aftereffects may remain all their lives.

A research result said that people’s average life span shortened by three years on average due to the expanded air pollution.

The ever-worsening air pollution poses a serious threat to people’s lives. 

The relevant institution of Thailand recently announced that the air pollution has gone beyond the tolerance level in 17 northern areas. According to it, the concentration of fine dust was three times higher in several areas than the national tolerance level. Last year many people in the country contracted various kinds of diseases due to air pollution.

An Indian research group published a survey result on July 4 that 7.2% of the causes of deaths in big cities of the country were related to air pollution. The group reportedly conducted a survey of the concentration of PM2.5, fine dust, in 10 big cities. Delhi was in the most serious situation, with the yearly death toll of air pollution amounting to 12 000.

Saying that the realities were highlighted that air pollution on the worst level in the world causes respiratory diseases among residents and poses threat to their health, experts stressed the need to introduce methods to control air pollution as soon as possible.

Major contributors to air pollution are the use of fossil fuel like coal, the increase of vehicles in number, desertification of land, forest and wild fires throughout the world and others.

Once, a high-ranking UN official appealed to the international community to join efforts for clean atmosphere, saying that the air pollution is bringing an emergency situation to the world. Many people are breathing in air which contains soot, sulphur and other poisonous chemical substances, he added.

Researchers argue that air pollution has not only caused loss of life but also produced marked effect on the world climate and weather. According to them, air contaminants make an impact on various meteorological elements including the formation of cloud, precipitation and strength of typhoon and finally change even the climate.

To prevent air pollution the whole of mankind should work together and find a correct solution to it.


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