'Embracing the power of inclusive data towards a resilient and equitable future for all'

July 11, 2024

July 11 is World Population Day.

As the world population reached five billion on July 11 1987, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) set the day as World Population Day at its executive council meeting in 1989.

The population problem is an important task common to mankind as the correct settlement of it ensures the regular activities of humans and the harmonious development of overall social life.

According to the latest UN data, the global population will reach from the current 8.1 billion to 8.5 billion in 2030 and 9.7 billion in 2050.

The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) convened in Cairo, Egypt, in September 1994 served as an important occasion in deciding the orientation for settling the population problem. Many international agreements for the sustainable development of population were adopted at several later international conferences.

However, goals remain only partially realized on proportionate development of population and universal access to sexual and reproductive health to all people.

At present, most of those countries witnessing a rapid increase in population are the poorest in the world and the fast population growth there has posed many problems including the eradication of poverty, the ensuring of gender equality, the combat against starvation and malnutrition and the improvement of the quality of medical service and education.

On the other hand, the birth rate is falling in more than 50 countries in the world. Those countries are faced with such social and financial difficulties as labour shortage and rapid population ageing which urgently requires the establishment of healthcare, allowance and social protection systems for the aged.

Attributing such negative effects partly to a lack of the requisite data systems to track and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals as regards the provision of good health and rights to all, UNFPA set “Embracing the power of inclusive data towards a resilient and equitable future for all” as the theme for this year’s World Population Day.

The DPRK government taking full responsibility for improving public health and promoting their welfare increases state investment in the public health sector in a sustainable way and puts great efforts into its development.

In particular, hospitals and clinics in relevant residential areas provide expectant and nursing mothers with healthcare regularly as they give them counsel, check-up and treatment, while the qualitative level of reproductive health and medical care for women sees a steady increase.

In addition, modernly equipped hospitals at all levels are supplied with essential medicines and equipment in a systematic way and the modernization of medical equipment and the introduction of advanced medical sci-tech findings are pushed ahead under the deep concern of the state.

To mark International Population Day this year, our country is conducting various activities including presentations.

We will make more positive efforts to solve the population problem while further strengthening cooperation with UNFPA and other international organizations.

Yang Song Il, section chief of the Population Centre of the DPRK

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