Young man rescues elderly

July 3, 2024

O Sung Chol, old resident in neighbourhood unit No. 55 of Jonsung-dong No. 1 in Moranbong District, Pyongyang, came round four hours after losing consciousness. Familiar faces were at his bedside.

“Where am I?” he asked.

“You’re home,” his wife answered.

Still hazy, he listened to his wife as he tried to recall what had happened.

When he had been on his way to a welfare service facility together with his grandson, his sight had dimmed all of a sudden and he had been able to hear worried voices around him.

He could remember nothing more.

He heard the whole story of the day from his wife.

On his way to the welfare service facility, he lost consciousness and fell to the ground from a sudden illness.

The young man who carried him home piggyback was a stranger.

He left the old man’s house without words. Unexpectedly, however, the young man came back after a while with rare medicines for emergency.

The family members who had been at a loss what to do to save the old man were deeply impressed by his sincerity.

A fairly long time later, they happened to know that the young man had gone to nearby pharmacies to secure the medicines with the help of his mother.

“Who is that man?” the old man asked.

But all his family members could not answer him.

Soaked with sweat, he had asked them over and over again to take good care of O Sung Chol and left without leaving his name, address and job.

O Sung Chol urged his family members to find the young man and they hurriedly looked for him.

Finally, they found out that the man is Kang Hyok living in neighbourhood unit No. 93 of Ryonghung-dong No. 2, Taesong District.

When they visited his workplace and met an official there, he told them that it was not the first time for him to do such a good thing, praising him as an excellent young man who did a lot of good things for the sake of society and collective in the past.


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