Sultry weather anticipated in summer this year

July 2, 2024

British magazine Economist said on June 26 that there will be a dangerous level of sultry weather in summer this year.

The magazine said that the world’s average monthly temperature hit a record high this year, adding that it is not a surprise that this summer seems to be hard and the damage by intense heat has occurred in different countries actually.

Recently in Saudi Arabia, the temperature exceeded 50℃ and more than 1 300 people lost their lives due to extremely high temperatures.

In Mexico, as intense heat continued with the mercury rising to 45°C, over 150 monkeys perished owing to heatstroke. In New Delhi, India, over 40°C severe heat persisted for 40 days between May and June.

In the period between 2000 and 2019, an average of 489 000 people are reportedly estimated to have died of severe heat in the world every year.


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