Study tour of Mt Paektu continues

July 1, 2024

Mt Paektu is the ancestral mountain of the Korean nation and the sacred mountain of the revolution which is associated with the spirit of the nation and on which the Korean revolution took root.

To know better about Mt Paektu and further cherish the faith of Mt Paektu by purifying themselves with the soul and spirit of Mt Paektu, the DPRK people continue with the study tour of the mountain.

In retrospect, the precious revolutionary tradition of the Workers’ Party of Korea rooted in Mt Paektu is the bloodline and eternal treasure for firmly maintaining the lifeline of the Party and the revolution and guaranteeing invincibility.

But the tour of Mt Paektu did not start until 1956. Insisting on exploring spots of natural beauty and historic interest, not Mt Paektu, and saying that it was now unnecessary to know about the days of the anti-Japanese armed struggle, a minority of the anti-Party, counter-revolutionary factionalists tried desperately to check the tour of Mt Paektu.

At that time, Kim Jong Il in his teens told President Kim Il Sung about his intention to form a study tour group with schoolchildren to explore the revolutionary battle sites in Ryanggang Province on the occasion of the day (June 4) of the victorious battle of Pochonbo.

The President recalled with deep emotion in his reminiscences that it was a significant event that Comrade Kim Jong Il decided to form an expedition to the revolutionary battle sites in the Mt Paektu area with his fellow students from Pyongyang Middle School No. 1.

From June 5 to 14 in 1956 Kim Jong Il walked along the route through Pochonbo, Samjiyon, Rimyongsu and other areas where Kim Il Sung left his sacred traces during the anti-Japanese armed struggle. It did not merely mean the blazing of the path for the study tour of the revolutionary battle sites.

It was an event that made the revolutionary spirit, which General Kim Il Sung kindled in Mt Paektu with the anti-Japanese armed struggle, flow into the blood vessels of the new generations. 

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un came to the spot to meet pilots who successfully wrapped up their tour of the revolutionary battle sites in the Mt Paektu area in April of the year which marked the 70th anniversary of Korea’s liberation in the new century of the Juche era when the DPRK entered the era of great succession. Saying with great pleasure that he felt as if he met anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters in the battle sites of the Mt Paektu area, Kim Jong Un added that all the service personnel and other people should copy and thoroughly apply to their work and life the indomitable revolutionary spirit and fighting mettle of the anti-Japanese fighters and that victory of the Korean revolution is unthinkable apart from the revolutionary traditions of Paektu and the revolutionary spirit of Paektu. We should eternally glorify the revolutionary exploits of the President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il and carry forward the revolutionary traditions of Paektu by fighting heartily like the fighters who defeated the enemy while overcoming all difficulties, cherishing Mt Paektu at any time and in any place, he said.

In the wake of his historic field inspection tour on horseback of the battle sites in the Mt Paektu area from late November to early December in 2019, many officials, Party members, working people, service personnel and youth and students in the capital city of Pyongyang and all other parts of the country successively set out on the study tour of Mt Paektu.

All the people in the country still continue with the expedition to Mt Paektu as it is part of the sacred course of accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche to achieve victory of the Korean revolution.


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