Growing patriotic zeal among Korean people

June 29, 2024

Patriotic enthusiasm is running high among all the people in the DPRK.

Workers of the coal mine for supplying coal to Jagang Province under the Kaechon Area Coal-mining Complex overfulfilled their plan for the first quarter of last year by 4 percent, while producing over 4 000 tons of more coal on the occasion of the significant April holiday, thereby lighting the torch of the socialist patriotic movement for increased coal production. Later, the workers of the Ryongsong Machine Complex turned out a large-sized compressor in the spirit of self-reliance to contribute to further consolidating the cornerstone of the independent national economy. By taking their cue from the heroic struggle of workers of Ryongsong, miners of the Kwangmyong pit of the Unpha Mine produced 10 000 tons of more minerals to fire other working people across the country with patriotic fervour.

This year, they set goals of producing more coal, custom-built equipment and minerals.

Meanwhile, more and more young people have volunteered to work in the key sectors of socialist construction by carrying forward the noble view of life and fighting spirit of their preceding generations who devoted themselves for the good of the country and people. And many housewives across the country launched into public life for the prosperity of the country and are leading a fulfilling life.

Lots of people are exerting themselves in different economic sectors, such as sites of grand socialist construction, deep pits, tidal flats and farm fields, in order to repay the favour and trust of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the government. The WPK has ensured that modern houses were built at state expense and provided to working people in Pyongyang and local areas for free, taken warmer care of the people in the face of greater difficulties and ordeals and spared nothing for the good of them. Therefore, everyone cherishes absolute trust in the benevolent Party.

The WPK and the socialist system put ordinary working people forward as deputies to the Supreme People’s Assembly, heroes and meritorious persons of socialist patriotism, award them state decorations and realize their dreams and ideals. The people’s passionate attachment to them brings forth inexhaustible strength of all the people united with patriotism.

This strength is the great driving force behind the struggle of the Korean people for the comprehensive development of socialism.

With such mind and will that “We want nothing more than the trust of General Secretary Kim Jong Un”, “When the Party is determined, we can do anything” and “For my capital city of Pyongyang”, lots of young men and women volunteered to work in the construction sites of the Hwasong area and Jonwi Street to create the legend of construction of building two streets in a year and working people across the country find their pride and worth in striving to give the country what little help they can for its development. Among them, meritorious persons of socialist patriotism continue to increase in number, as they make devoted efforts for society and collective, the country and people without expecting any honour or reward.

Patriotic deeds are performed irrespective of occupation, age and residence. Confidence in the socialist cause runs through the patriotic enthusiasm of the Korean people. The Regional Development 20×10 Policy the WPK pursues along with the programme for rural development in the new era for promoting the people’s well-being makes their faith in a brighter future of their socialist country firmer.

They visualize a hope-filled and more beautiful future as they witness new modern streets and rural houses rising up in Pyongyang and the countryside. And their confidence in the brilliant future results in great creation and popular feats. Under the leadership of the WPK, they burn with a patriotic zeal on their march for the victory of the socialist cause.


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