Local mass rallies vow to annihilate enemies

June 27, 2024

Mass rallies took place in provinces, cities and counties on June 25, the day of struggle against US imperialism.

Present there were officials of the organs of the Workers’ Party of Korea, power and economic organs and working people's organizations, working people, youth and students in local areas.

At the events in North and South Phyongan and South Hwanghae provinces, speakers said that 70-odd years have passed since the US imperialists started a war to nip the young DPRK in the bud, but the inveterate grudge of June 25 still remains in the minds of the people. 

The venues of the rallies in North Hwanghae, Jagang and Kangwon provinces, too, were filled with the surging indignation and the strong will to annihilate the US imperialists and the puppet ROK clans who are still running amuck to invade the DPRK again, not content with having ignited a war of aggression against the DPRK and reduced to ashes its streets and villages over 70 years ago. 

Speakers at the meetings in North and South Hamgyong and Ryanggang provinces decried the crimes of the US which has made every attempt to invade the DPRK again and inflict all misfortunes and disasters on the Korean people since ceasefire.

The surging wrath and hostility toward the sworn enemies resorting to every means to check the existence and development of the DPRK were also displayed at the mass rallies in Nampho, Rason and Kaesong cities.

Then followed demonstrations.


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