Mass rally held in Pyongyang on day of struggle against US imperialism

June 27, 2024

 A Pyongyang municipal mass rally took place at May Day Stadium on June 25, the day of struggle against US imperialism.

Attending the rally were more than 100 000 people, including officials and workers of working people's organizations, ministries, national agencies, institutions and industrial establishments and youth and students in Pyongyang.

On hand were members of the diplomatic corps and military attaches corps in the DPRK and overseas Koreans staying in their homeland.

The stadium was full of the spirit of avengers to annihilate the enemy who massacred the Korean people. The participants in the rally watched a video disclosing the thrice-cursed crimes committed by the US imperialist aggressors and the ROK puppets during the Fatherland Liberation War, and the enemy's ever-escalating moves to stifle the DPRK.

The speakers, in reflection of the retaliatory spirit of all the people, expressed their will to annihilate the US imperialists and the ROK puppets, the unchangeable arch enemy, at any cost, bitterly denouncing the inhumane crimes committed by the sworn enemy.

They said that the frantic moves of the US imperialists and the ROK puppets to ignite a nuclear war, oblivious of the historical lesson of their shameful defeat inflicted by the DPRK people all out in the sacred war for defending the country more than 70 years ago, clearly show the true colours of the aggressors and provocateurs that never change despite the lapse of 700, nay 7 000 years.

They said that they will always bear in mind the immutable truth that the might of the country and the people should be strong in order to defend their destiny and future, uninterruptedly bolster up the strength of the country, the strongest war deterrent with the most just mission, and concentrate on preparing for all-people resistance, thus clearly showing those disturbing the cause of the DPRK what miserable and bitter end they will meet.

Saying that hitting the 12 major targets for national economy development just means dealing a sledgehammer blow to the enemy, the speakers expressed their will to make innovations and increase production at their worksites and achieve greater patriotic successes, thus fully demonstrating the dignity and might of the country and emerging always victorious in the confrontation with the imperialists and the US.

Then followed a demonstration.

The demonstrators marched, hardening their unshakable outlook on the arch enemy and steadfast resistance will and chanting the slogans for annihilating the enemy with a strong fighting spirit and self-confidence to win a great victory in the sacred war against the US imperialists and the ROK puppets. 


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