Ukrainian puppets commit terror attack on peaceful residents in Russia

June 26, 2024

The Ukrainian puppets, who have been on the defensive after their repeated defeats in the military confrontation with Russia, are resorting to reckless terrorism.

On June 23, the Ukrainian army attacked Sevastopol of Russia with US-made ATACMS missiles loaded with cluster bombs.

The Russian anti-aircraft means intercepted four of the missiles and the other one left its flight orbit and exploded in the air above the city.

As a result, three peaceful residents, including two children, were killed and over 150 injured, TASS reported.

The remains of the intercepted missiles reportedly fell, causing fire in forests and dwelling houses and damage to people on the seashore and around it.

Traffic across the Crimea Bridge has been stopped and in Sevastopol the health system was set in motion to offer necessary medical assistance to the injured.

The Russian chief delegate for human rights issues branded and condemned the Ukrainian army’s attack on the city as terrorism aimed at peaceful residents.

Referring to the fact that the US authorities showed no reaction to the ATAKMS missile attack on peaceful residents, the Russian ambassador to the US noted that Americans could not hide themselves over the ocean and evade responsibility for blood and tears shed by innocent people.

The US’ hypocritical “humanitarian foreign policy” perished in the “swamp” of the Ukrainian crisis, he said, and stressed that the US has become unable to disavow its direct involvement in the conflict in the space of the former Soviet Union.

He affirmed that the Nazis will be subject to severe punishment on the front. 

The atrocity of the Ukrainian army was a direct result of the hideous anti-Russian confrontation hysteria of the US which gave a vast amount of lethal weaponry to the Ukrainian stooges and drove them to make reckless attack, allowing them to attack any part of the Russian territory at will by means of the weapons it handed over.


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