We are ready for Ninth International Martial Arts Games

June 26, 2024

The Pyongyang Times reporter Kim Hak Chol interviewed on June 17 Laziz Khasanov, chairman of the Uzbekistan Taekwon-Do Association, who attended the ceremony of lighting the flame for the Ninth International Martial Arts Games. 

The ninth games will be held in Uzbekistan in November this year.

Could you tell me about preparations for the Ninth International Martial Arts Games?

We have completed the preparations for the games to be held in Tashkent of Uzbekistan.

The preparatory committee is trying its best to ensure the event at a high level.

In today’s ceremony of lighting the flame in Pyongyang, we will take over the torch and bring it to Uzbekistan.

How much popular is Taekwon-Do in your country?

In November, there will be also the national Taekwon-Do contest along with the international games.

Taekwon-Do is very popular among children and young people in Uzbekistan and they all love the martial art.

Taekwon-Do is just their life.


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