US attempts to use nuclear weapons in Korean war

June 25, 2024

The Korean war between 1950 and 1953 was not only a war of brutal massacre of the Korean people by the US imperialists and a war of indiscriminate destruction against the DPRK. It was also an unpardonable crime of nuclear blackmail.

In the 1950s the US forged ahead with a nuclear war plan against the DPRK to realize its ambition to invade it.

At the time, US President Truman said that if it was deemed necessary for the security of the US, it would not hesitate to use A-bomb.

Accordingly, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff worked out a top-secret nuclear war plan in 1949, which was the plan for an all-out nuclear war against socialist countries. The United States mapped out a nuclear war plan in Korea as part of this plan. It envisaged the army group consisting of the US 1st Marine Corps and 400 000 Chiang Kai-shek’s troops landing on the northwest coast of Korea and another army group comprising part of the US 1st Marine Corps and 100 000 Chiang Kai-shek’s troops on the northeast coast of Korea and the US 8th Army attacking the DPRK after cutting off all support from outside by dropping a number of A-bombs in the northern border areas of Korea.

The US hatched plots several times to use A-bombs on every occasion during the war.

MacArthur, commander of the US forces in the Far East, said that they "should use A-bombs" to destroy the DPRK at the secret telephone talks with President Truman on July 7 1950 and openly argued for "dropping A-bombs on Korean cities" at the US Congress. A-bombs were brought into the ROK under such an evil scheme.

As it suffered repeated defeats during the war, the US discussed the issue of using A-bomb intensively. Later, a B-47, a strategic bomber carrying A-bombs, was deployed at the US air force base in Okinawa on the order of Truman to “use A-bomb in Korea”. Atomic bombs were also mounted on a US aircraft carrier standing by in the waters off the Korean peninsula.

In April 1951, too, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff issued an order to launch a "retaliatory attack" with A-bombs in a bid to reverse the tide of war and the B-29 strategic bombers of the US air force were hell-bent on test flights for dropping A-bombs over Pyongyang.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s report "Radioactive warfare" dated April 20 1951, the US planned to create a "no-human zone" to which no one could have access by scattering plutonium, nuclear waste and other radioactive materials in a large quantity across the Korean peninsula during the war. After designing the plan, it mobilized the Atomic Commission to examine its feasibility and conducted field experiments on it 65 times till 1952 at the nuclear testing ground in Utah.

Pinning greater hope on the use of A-bombs after that, the US worked hard to carry out the plan until July 1953, the final stage of the war.

Many people suffered from the US’ nuclear blackmail during the Korean war.

On December 4 and 5 1950, the US troops killed more than 4 000 people, whom they had forced to go with them by threatening as if A-bombs would be dropped at once, by bombing and strafing them on a temporary bridge and ice of the Taedong River. They also indiscriminately slaughtered over 30 000 people on the Sariwon-Haeju road alone. This is only part of the published data.

Decades have passed since ceasefire, but the US has never stopped nuclear war moves against the DPRK even a moment and they still continue in the new century.

The US will never escape the stern judgment by the Korean people and the world’s progressives for its moves to start a nuclear war against the DPRK, a thrice-cursed crime unprecedented in history.


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