Who started Korean war and what for?

June 25, 2024

A war against the DPRK started on the Korean peninsula on June 25 1950, forcing the country to suffer a terrible loss of life and untold disasters for three years.

However, the war provocateurs have distorted the truth of history and made rackets like a guilty party filing a suit first for more than 70 years.

Who started the Korean war? And why?

Starter of war

The Korean war was a product of the US’ strategy for world supremacy.

The United States blatantly pursued the strategy for world domination in the international arena after World War II and hatched a plot to occupy Korea as part of the attempts.

The US’ Far East Command organized G-2 and G-3 specializing in making operational plans for launching a war and designing reconnaissance and intelligence operations and involved in them the “History Class” and “KATO” institutions composed of senior officers of the former Japanese army.

There they drew up the ABC plan aimed at occupying Korea, Manchuria of China and Siberia of the USSR.

The US, together with the ROK, mapped out a DPRK-targeted war plan.

The September 1964 issue of a Japanese magazine revealed the plan for attacking the DPRK, saying to the following effect: 

The plan envisaged gathering ten divisions of the ROK and US armies along the 38th parallel to create two operational zones in the middle and western parts. Those in the west were to advance directly to Pyongyang. In concert with them, the naval and air forces would carry out a landing operation in the northern area of Pyongyang.

The magazine added that the plan was provided to MacArthur’s command in early 1950 and transferred to the ROK side intact.

The New York Herald Tribune dated June 20 1950 reported that the plan for aggression had already been adopted with the unanimous approval of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff in January that year.

Roberts, the then chief of the US Military Advisory Group, said at a gathering of ROK army division commanders that many of the attacks on the DPRK were carried out according to his orders and that the ROK army should launch an offensive only according to the order of the US Military Advisory Group.

‘Dagger’ needed for US

Why did the US need the Korean war?

In their coauthored book on the US national security policy, the deputy director and deputy managing director of the US International Institute for Strategic Studies wrote to the following effect:

Right after the Second World War, Truman declared the Cold War and came up with the strategy for blockade against the Soviet Union. An urgent task for him to handle was to secure military capability commensurate for the strategy. So he requested Congress to increase the defense budget, but it denied his request. He got more embarrassing in 1949 when the Soviet Union carried out a nuclear explosion test and the Chinese revolution emerged victorious. 

He argued again for increasing the defense budget. But Congress limited the budget within the levels of $12.9 billion and $13 billion respectively in the 1949 and 1950 fiscal years. 

The reason was that it was impossible to increase the budget and build up military strength since no crisis occurred. Truman’s Gordian knot was cut by the Korean war on June 25 1950.

An American book said it is undeniable that the Korean war broke out when the US economy was in recession and businessmen and government leaders welcomed Truman’s intervention in the war as a harbinger of a boom, revealing that politicians and leading businessmen of the US had been looking forward to the war.

It was no accident that US State Secretary Dulles on his visit to the ROK just before starting the Korean war described Korea as a “dagger” for cutting a “huge lump of meat” called Eurasia.

Thus the Korean war began.


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