‘Measures against pirates’ a product of Japan’s wild ambition for overseas expansion

June 21, 2024

Recently Japan dispatched an escort ship of the Maritime Self-Defense Force to the waters off Somalia again under the pretext of taking a "measure against pirates".

Carrying about 200-member crew on board, the warship is expected to arrive at the place in mid-July and conduct activities to escort vessels for four months.

Japan has dispatched warships of the Maritime Self-Defense Force to the Gulf of Aden off Somalia since 2009 to guard civilian ships. Reportedly this is the 48th time.

The problem is if they are really aimed at "escort".

Japan's buildup of defence capabilities and frequent and active overseas dispatch of its troops deny it.

As is well known, Japan, a war criminal state and defeated nation in the Second World War, is clearly forbidden by law to possess regular armed forces and dispatch its troops overseas.

Historically, however, it has spurred its moves toward military resurgence and overseas expansion under the signboard of the "pacifist constitution".

Its SDF has expanded far beyond defence capability to reach the level to fight any war of aggression. And the political circles openly discussed the revision of the "pacifist constitution" and recklessly enacted related and other laws in succession to lift legal restrictions on military actions for preemptive strike, overseas dispatch of the SDF troops and their overseas military actions.

The SDF is also bent on extremely bellicose and reckless military actions with the US and its followers threatening peace and stability and seeking hegemony in different parts of the world under the cloak of "joint military drill" and "interference in regional issue".

Referring to Japan which is keen on monitoring and gathering information about sea traffic routes while crossing over the oceans of the world, a French institute said that it is unhesitatingly conducting military actions against the constitution under the veil of "combatting piracy".

The fact is obvious.

The overseas advance the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force pursues on the pretext of "measures against pirates" and "anti-terrorism" is aimed at putting it on a regular basis and realizing its past wild ambition for aggression at any cost.

The war maniacs gripped by a frenzy of overseas reinvasion are bound to face bitter defeat and stern judgment by history.

Japan is advised to reflect on the past of its defeat before being hell-bent on military actions.


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