Memorable day in WPK’s history

June 19, 2024

On June 19 1964, Chairman Kim Jong Il started work at the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea. The day is cherished in the hearts of the Korean people as a day that will go down in the history of the country, together with the founding anniversary of the WPK, in its history.

It is because with the day a dramatic change was brought about in the strengthening and development of the WPK.

The Chairman clarified the position and role of the leader in the revolutionary struggle of the working class in an original way and strengthened and developed the WPK into the party of President Kim Il Sung.

On the day when he started work at the Party Central Committee, he sat up all night bearing in mind the sacred mission he assumed for the country, revolution and people. Looking up to the Party flag fluttering on top of the office building of the WPK Central Committee against the background of the dawning sky, he told the officials that the history of the Party flag started from the days when Kim Il Sung formed the Down-with-Imperialism Union and held high the red flag of revolution and the WPK began to take deep root from the days. It’s time for us to fly high the red flag, he said, noting that we should work harder to accomplish the cause of the President holding high the red flag of revolution no matter what sorts of trials and difficulties the revolution may face. He added that the WPK should invariably be developed into the glorious party of Comrade Kim Il Sung forever in the future, too, as it did in the past and does today, and that it is the lifelong task for him to strengthen and develop the WPK into the party of Comrade Kim Il Sung forever. 

Supported by his firm faith, the WPK had been developed into a revolutionary party of Juche in which the ideological and leadership systems of the leader are firmly established and a motherly party which has formed an integral whole with the masses of the people, serves them and enjoys absolute support and trust from them.

He conducted energetic ideological and theoretical activities to analyze and review the one-hundred-year history of the previous ideologies of the working class and established the revolutionary ideas of the President as an integrated system of Juche-oriented ideology, theories and methods. And he formulated it as Kimilsungism and turned the whole Party into an ideologically pure entity and organizationally complete whole.

Even at the end of the last century when such a tragic situation occurred that the red flag of socialism was lowered and the ruling parties collapsed in succession in several countries, the WPK victoriously advanced the socialist cause of Juche, fully demonstrating its might as the revolutionary party of a Juche type.

Today, it has greeted a new heyday of its development as it is led by General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

The General Secretary declared modelling the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the supreme programme of the WPK and is ushering in a new era of strengthening the whole Party.

He put forward the five-point line for Party building in the new era and is further strengthening and developing the WPK into a party which organizes and guides all the victories of the Korean people, true to the intentions of the President and the Chairman who founded the Party and performed immortal exploits for the strengthening and development of the Party.

In a speech “Train Cadres of the Party in the New Era Who Are Faithful to the Ideal and Spirit of Its Founding” he delivered in celebration of the inauguration ceremony of the newly-built Central Cadres Training School of the WPK last May, he said that to guarantee the lasting prosperity of the WPK by carrying forward the ideals and spirit of the Party founding pure and clean is the core of the idea of our Party building, stating that the WPK will grow stronger with today as a new starting point and write a proud chapter of history of making another great turn in the destiny of the country and people.

Along with June 19 1964, the Workers’ Party of Korea, a powerful leading political organization which has recorded the longest history in power, will further solidify its organizational and ideological unity.


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