New scenes, new looks of fairyland villages

June 18, 2024

In the new era of rural development, farm villages across the DPRK are presenting new scenes and new looks as fairylands.

Landscaping adds beauty to villages 

The overall view of the seat of the Kumdae Farm under the Pyongyang Municipal Rural Economy Committee is as beautiful as a picture.

Everyone is struck with admiration at the sight of the village distinctively landscaped with fruit trees of various kinds and good species of trees. 

“Over ten plum, persimmon, pear, sweet cherry and black chokeberry trees grow inside the fence and ginkgo, pine and other broadleaf and needle-leaf trees outside it. The interior design of the home is so good and the outside scenery is so beautiful that I feel younger,” said Hwang Myong Chol, a farmer of the farm. He went on to say that every house of the village has been landscaped like that, so the village is called a flower garden. 

The village is more beautiful at night with dazzling decorative illuminations on trees.

The village of the Hyongsan Vegetable Farm of Hyongjesan District in the suburbs of Pyongyang is also beautiful.

Notable is the landscape of the seat village of the farm with single- and low-storey and terraced houses arranged in a formative artistic manner.

The village is characterized by the artistic representation of the beauty of nature by various trees such as pine, thuja, zelkova and golden-bell planted in bundles, individually and in other ways. 

What is also notable is the scene of every family tending flowers in pots. The villagers say that they feel unusual affection for flowers as they have come to live in a new fairyland village with a fine landscape. They said that while drawing pictures and taking photos of the village, they visualize the village becoming more beautiful in the new era of rural development. 

Creators, enjoyers of civilization

While rural villages are improving, farmers are creating a civilized and beautiful life. 

In all the newly built villages, people can be seen tending flowering trees in the early morning or in the evening.

They are all farmers.

In the daytime they cultivate crops while driving tractors and rice-seedling transplanters and after work they always do things to spruce up the surrounds of their houses and villages. 

“We are elated to do things for the good of our families and our village. We are prouder of our civilization because we are creating it by ourselves,” said farmers, who take upon themselves both farming and the improvement of their villages. 

They spend a good time at home listening to various stories and playing amusement games in the evening or on rest days. 

An old native of the village of the Tokhung Farm in Kangso District, Nampho, said that looking down at the ever-changing landscape of the farm from the balcony of his flat of a modern low-storey apartment block, he thinks if the locality had ever been beautiful like today and becomes more eager to contribute whatever little efforts to repaying the benevolence of the country, throughout his remaining years.


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