Introduction of advanced farming methods should be the main trend in rural communities

June 14, 2024

Farms are now eager to actively introduce advanced farming methods and techniques and carry out all farm work as required by science and technology.

Advanced farming methods and techniques can successfully be introduced only when all agricultural workers are fully prepared as masters of scientific farming.

What is important here is to make farmers voluntarily acquire advanced agricultural science and technology. 

This means, in essence, encouraging agricultural workers to keenly realize the advantages of new farming methods and techniques. 

When they fully realize that the new is better than the old in actuality, they will voluntarily and actively try to accept it as their own. 

Moreover, agricultural workers will have to acquire a high level of science and technology in order to prevent the disastrous effects of abnormal weather which has occurred constantly in recent years and bring about the sustainable and stable development of agricultural production. Advanced farming methods and techniques are the key to high yields.

This is evidenced by the experience at those farms which make successes in cereal production.

When they decided to innovate farming methods and techniques at the beginning, many farmers were opposed to them. 

Officials of a farm organized visit to advanced units taking the lead in the introduction of scientific farming methods, made farmers keenly realize the vitality and beneficial aspects as they saw real objects and met experienced farmers, and organized realistic and detailed lectures in close contact with agricultural researchers.

In the course of this, positive changes started to take place in the realm of cognition of farmers. 

It gradually became the main trend to try to acquire the matters related to new farming methods and techniques. 

Accordingly, officials proactively organized a demonstration, passing-on-technique conference and technical study while theoretically informing farmers of technical requirements to be met in the introduction of advanced farming methods and techniques through a video show, question and answer session and others. 

In particular, they focused on applying the advanced experience of manuring and cultivation as required by specific conditions of their unit in a creative way. 

The campaign for introducing advanced farming methods and techniques was conducted more briskly as farmers took part in it actively, which resulted in a bumper crop in autumn. Farmers’ confidence in and enthusiasm for this grew stronger.

The progressive way of thinking, quest and strenuous efforts to apply diverse and new methods in line with the psychology of the masses serve as a valuable foundation which is indispensable to making farmers masters of scientific farming.

As a result, many farms are now actively introducing advanced farming methods.

Last year, too, the Yakjon Farm in Sukchon County, the Yongjin Farm in Kangnam County, the Sokha Farm in Sinuiju City, the Wonhwa Farm in Phyongwon County and many other farms reaped a rich harvest on the strength of science.

It is the state’s demand to increase per-hectare yields in all farms and arable land across the country, rather than high-yields from a few paddies, farms and regions. 

Kim Ju Yon, department director of the Agricultural Commission

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