Every unit performs miracles, innovations

June 12, 2024

As the DPRK is pulsating with the Chollima spirit in the new era, a new spirit of the times, different economic sectors and units are making joint and collective innovations.

The metallurgical industry sector, which takes an important share in boosting the independence of the national economy, has brought about a surge in production.

The Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex boosts pig iron and rolled steel production by steadily improving the operating technique of its oxygen blast furnace.

The Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex succeeded in the Korean-style circular plate continuous casting in collaboration with scientific and educational institutions to raise rolling yield, thus providing a guarantee for saving a great deal of manpower and materials, increasing the variety and standard of steel materials and promoting their quality. By vigorously conducting mass-based technical innovations, it invented and introduced new technologies for improving the performance of motors, cranes and flatcars to save various kinds of materials while raising the utilization rate of equipment.

The Musan Mining Complex carried out a 500 000 cubic-metre blasting in April by introducing profitable hewing and blasting methods and new and original technical plans, thereby providing a sure guarantee for producing a larger quantity of concentrated ore.

The Chongjin Steel Works, Hungnam Electrode Factory, Puryong Ferroalloy Factory, Posan Iron Works, Hungsan and Jaeryong mines and others carry out their monthly and daily assignments as they concentrate their efforts on readjustment and reinforcement.

The Namhung Youth Chemical Complex and Hungnam Fertilizer Complex successfully carry out their fertilizer production assignments, while the Sunchon Chemical Complex, Pyongyang Rubber Factory, Wonsan Chemical Factory and others increase the production of different chemical goods needed for economic development and the improvement of the people’s living standards.

The Pukchang Thermal Power Complex concentrated efforts on raising the efficiency of boiler and turbine generators and the Chongchongang and East Pyongyang thermal power stations register good production results as they steadily upgrade technical indexes. The Hochongang, Sodusu and Kanggye Youth power stations complete their daily production plans by putting the management of hydraulic structures and technical management of generators on a scientific basis.

The coal mine for supplying coal to Jagang Province, which overfulfilled its plan for the first quarter of last year, sent thousands of tons of more coal to a building-materials production unit in the province this year, and the Pukchang Area Youth Coal-mining Complex has carried out main tunnelling 1.2 times more than before. The Tokchon, Kaechon and Sunchon area youth coal-mining complexes have hit their daily targets by carrying out continuous drilling and blasting. Coal mines in all parts of the country conducted the high-speed tunnelling movement to secure more coal and thereby the Ministry of Coal Industry obtained hundreds of reserve coal faces in the first quarter of this year.

A surge has been made in production in the machine-building industry sector.

The Taean Heavy Machine Complex has fulfilled its production quotas every ten days and every month by ensuring well-knit scheduling of processes and giving priority to the supply of raw and other materials in keeping with a remarkable increase in the output of custom-built equipment as compared to before, and the Ranam Coal-mining Machine Factory and the Pyongyang General Electric Cable Factory 326 have produced and supplied machines in time as required by different sectors of the national economy.

The Songchongang Electrical Appliances Factory manufactured thousands of high-performance irrigation facilities, thereby providing a guarantee for annually saving millions of kilowatt-hours of electricity, while the Taedonggang and Hamhung Youth electrical appliances factories have produced and supplied equipment needed for irrigation facilities of different indexes including transformers and motors.

The Kaechon, Chongjin and Hamhung railway bureaus improved the technical conditions of locomotives to haul more cargoes than assignments and organized loading and unloading of freight cars and rapidly conducted shunting, uncoupling of wagons and formation of trains to carry more materials needed for economic construction and the improvement of the people’s living standards.

The mining industry sector is increasing nonferrous metal production by dint of science and technology.

The Ministry of Mining Industry solves in time sci-tech problems arising in the establishment of a roasting-sulphuric acid production process by intensifying technical guidance.

The Manpho Smeltery has made it possible to remarkably increase the inventory of ore concentrate as compared to last year and the Munphyong Smeltery obtained high-grade raw materials from waste from production processes to contribute to production growth.

The Unpha and Hyesan Youth mines have provided a guarantee for increased production of minerals by conducting technical innovation drives.

Successes have been made in the sectors directly linked with the people’s living.

Well over a thousand spinners and weavers carried out their first half-yearly quotas ahead of schedule in the sector of the textile industry.

The Pyongyang Hosiery Factory further increased the quality of products, developed socks to which different effects were added and designed a new form of trademark to innovate the packaging of products.

The Songyo and Kangso knitwear factories, which have worked to develop knitwear products that meet modern aesthetic sense and conform to seasonal characteristics, are turning out a variety of clothes with different colours and forms by giving precedence to designing and encouraging new inventions.

The foodstuff industry sector is concentrating efforts on the development of new products and improvement of quality.

The Jangjasan General Foodstuff Factory registered several products as the February 2 ones and has further improved the quality of foodstuffs.

The Kimhwa County Foodstuff Factory mass-produces confectionery with unique taste and aroma and high-quality condiments, while the Kanggye Condiments Factory strives to reenergize the operation of a raw material base and produce functional foods that are effective in the treatment of various diseases.

The Amnokgang General Foodstuff Factory, Sonhung Foodstuff Factory, Hamhung Condiments Factory and others achieve good results in improving the quality of products and increasing their varieties.


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