Mt Paektu area with great value as global geopark

June 11, 2024

Mt Paektu has drawn attention of volcanologists and explorers from different countries for its unique natural spectacles like that of Lake Chon on it.

In this regard, The Pyongyang Times reporter Ryom Un Gyong interviewed Pak Hyon Uk, professor, PhD and director of the geology institute of the State Academy of Sciences who doubles as chairman of the DPRK National Geopark Committee, and Pak Song Chol, PhD, section chief of the institute and member of the committee.

The research into and tourist development of the Mt Paektu area are taking on a deeper significance. Would you care to elaborate on that?

Pak Song Chol: Mt Paektu is a compound volcano formed through several different types of eruptions of magma of different compositions in the Cainozoic period. And it has unusual geological features rare to be seen in world-famous volcanoes in other countries.

After the Millennium Eruption, one of the greatest explosive eruptions in the world, took place in the area, a crater was formed and filled with water to create a giant crater lake, Lake Chon on Mt Paektu.

In this area, plants and animals combined with the natural environment of highlands, hydrologic movements originating from Lake Chon, the soil formed in relation to pumice eruption and alpine plants, and other natural elements are mixed in special connections to unfold mysterious natural sights.

Experts estimated the values of geological sites indicating the unique geological phenomena based on field survey and research data on the Mt Paektu area.

How do you rate the status of preservation and management of the Mt Paektu area and its economic and cultural development level?

Pak Hyon Uk: Since Mt Paektu, which has been regarded as the ancestral mountain of the Korean nation and sacred mountain of the Korean revolution, was the base for the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle waged under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, special efforts have been directed to preserving and managing the area.

The Mt Paektu area was registered on the list of biosphere reserves of the UNESCO in April 1989 and the Mt Paektu Geopark Management Committee is conducting activities in a proactive manner.

Pak Song Chol: The City of Samjiyon underwent a great change into a model of modern mountainous city, strongly promoting the economic and cultural development of the area.


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