Natural monument - Ryonju Pools

June 8, 2024

Ryonju Pools are located in Okryu Valley of the Kuryong Pool section of Outer Kumgang in Mt Kumgang, one of the celebrated mountains of the DPRK.

There are a steep cliff north of the pools and Kuryong Pool 400 metres southwest of them.

Ryonju Pools consisting of two pools came into being, weathered by glaciers and water flowing down the valley for a long time.

The upper pool is small and the lower one is big.

The upper is 10 metres long, 5-6 metres wide and 6 metres deep, and the lower  20 metres long, 8-9 metres wide and 9 metres deep.

There is a 3 to 4-metre-high waterfall between the two pools.

The pools present distinctive scenes in Okryu Valley.

They were named so as they look like a string of two blue beads.

They go well with surrounding mountains, presenting a beautiful landscape.


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