Mt Paektu Geopark

June 8, 2024

The Mt Paektu Geopark is a scientific research and dissemination base and tourist destination with many geosites of special volcano-geological significance and tourist value being distributed on a certain scale.

Mt Paektu in the geopark, the highest mountain in the DPRK (Janggun Peak, 2 750m), is the ancestral mountain which is associated with the soul of the Korean nation and the sacred mountain of the revolution where the Korean revolution started.

The Millennium Eruption, known as the largest eruption in the past 2 000 years, took place in Mt Paektu and there are still various signs related to magmatic activity.

Mt Paektu has attracted the attention of volcanologists and explorers from different countries of the world for its unique natural spectacles including Lake Chon on top of the mountain.

With research on earth science growing extensive at present, research into the Mt Paektu area and tourist development of it assume deeper significance.

Unique geopark

The Mt Paektu Geopark is the first of its kind in the DPRK.

It is located in the City of Samjiyon of Ryanggang Province in the northern part of the country.

Preserved in the geopark area are exceptional geological heritage elements such as Mt Paektu volcano, Lake Chon, geosites around the Mt Paektu caldera, Jong Il Peak and Rimyongsu Falls, which were formed as a result of volcanic eruptions in the Cenozoic era.

The Mt Paektu volcano was formed by several eruptions of magma of different compositions in the stages of shield volcano, stratovolcano and explosive eruption, with the area showing two cycles of magmatic alternation from alkali to acid. In view of the scope of eruption, the Millennium Eruption in the Mt Paektu area is known to be one of the strongest volcanic eruptions in the past 2 000 years.

 On top of Mt Paektu a caldera was formed by the collapse of the volcanic body during the Millennium Eruption and as the caldera was filled with water, Lake Chon came into being. A crater lake on the highest place in the world, Lake Chon of Mt Paektu is surrounded by high peaks showing the natural beauty of mountains, unfolding the unique natural scenery. The highest peak is 2 750-metre-high Janggun Peak.

Lake Chon and its surroundings are rich in geological diversity.

Inside the crater are volcanic necks and hot springs and laccolith is preserved in the section of Janggun Peak. Its stem is 5-7 m wide with the cap being 50-55m wide and 34 m high at maximum.

In the Sobaeksu Valley of the Mt Paektu Geopark there are Kim Jong Il's birthplace in the Paektusan Secret Camp and Jong Il Peak on which his name was inscribed. A plug which was formed as trachytic magmas were solidified in a conduit, Jong Il Peak is 1 798 metres above sea level.  

There are many natural monuments in the area of Mt Paektu including Rimyongsu Falls, which are not frozen even in winter, with the underground water gushing out in all four seasons.

Lake Samji, which was formed with three lakes as a flowing river was blocked by the lava erupted from Mt Paektu, presents a beautiful landscape with very clear water and thick primeval forests around it.

Also seen in various places of the geopark area are carbonized trees and volcanic bombs which are of great significance in the study of the age of the Millennial Eruption of Mt Paektu, wonderful rock ravines and rare rocks of fantastic shapes showing all shapes of articles.

The Mt Paektu Geopark also creates unique natural spectacles in biological aspect.

There are Paektusan white birch native to the mountain, dozens of species of indigenous Korean plants including birch and medicinal plants and hundreds of species of alpine plants, and a "sea" of forests stretches far and wide in the area. It is also home to hundreds of species of animals. Recently a yellow-eared turtle, a species of freshwater turtle, was found on the shore of Lake Chon. And rare birds are flying into Lake Chon.

Unusual natural phenomena are also observed here, such as the natural snow-ice cave and "reverse waterfall".

Visitors can experience natural phenomena of all four seasons in one place like the sunrise on Mt Paektu, the majestic appearance of the peaks on Mt Paektu, blizzards of Paektu, thrilling yet graceful scene of Lake Chon and rhododendron blooming in snow. It is the charm of the natural scenery they can feel only on Mt Paektu. 

For these special features, Mt Paektu was registered as a world biosphere reserve in UNESCO.

Historical relics and sites still remain on Mt Paektu and in its vicinity.

They include a pavilion for the monument to Dragon King, or a monument to Dragon God defending Lake Chon of Mt Paektu, which is about 1 metre high, 10 centimetres thick and 44 to 68 centimetres wide. They show that the Korean nation worshipped Mt Paektu as the ancestral mountain.

Many people at home and abroad visit the Mt Paektu Geopark.

International cooperation, joint research activities

According to the agreement on exchange between the academies of sciences of the DPRK and the Soviet Union, joint research projects on the Paektu Volcanic Zone were undertaken in the 1986-1990 period between the Geology Institute of the State Academy of Sciences of the DPRK and the Lithosphere Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the former Soviet Union (И.Л.С.А.Н) and between the Global Environmental Information Institute of the former and the Pacific Geography Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the latter. Later, Russian scientists also conducted research into Mt Paektu volcano.

In 2000, German geologists recognized that the Millennium Eruption of Mt Paektu was one of the largest eruptions on the earth in the past 2 000 years and said that the volcanic ash that erupted in the period had risen up to the height of 25 km in the stratosphere, exerting influence on the climate of the earth.

Volcano-geologists from different countries including the DPRK, China and the UK have conducted research on Mt Paektu under the co-sponsorship of the Pyongyang International New Technology and Economic Information Company (PIINTEC) and the Paektusan Earth Science Group (MPGG) since 2012. They installed seismometers in Mt Paektu and jointly performed seismological observation and research on earthquake with the Earthquake Bureau of the DPRK between 2013 and 2015. In August 2016, an international symposium on Mt Paektu volcano was held at the Sci-Tech Complex in Pyongyang, the capital of the DPRK, under the co-sponsorship of the PIINTEC and MPGG.

The results of research projects on Mt Paektu conducted in the period were published in several journals including SCIENCE ADVANCES.

Sustainable development and prospects

The Mt Paektu Geopark has become a matter of great concern of the Workers' Party of Korea and the state.

The Mt Paektu nature reserve was set up in the area of the geopark according to the decision of the DPRK Cabinet and was promoted to a special reserve according to a state measure. And a specialized enterprise was organized for the protection of natural environment in the area of Mt Paektu.

All the geosites in the geopark are under strict legal protection by the DPRK laws on environmental protection and on the protection of scenic spots and natural monuments and others.

A series of research projects related to history, culture and tradition are in full swing in the area of the Mt Paektu Geopark, as well as those on geology, geography, ecology, climate, hydrology and others.

The geopark effectively promotes geological and ecological tourism while widely encouraging the active involvement of local organizations and inhabitants in it. It also works to reconstruct the infrastructure facilities including railways, roads, electric power and communications and upgrade facilities for nature conservation and development of tourism, sports and regional economy, giving strong impetus to the sustainable regional development.

The transformation of the City of Samjiyon into a model mountainous city of culture marks an important occasion in turning the Mt Paektu area into a world-class geological park.

Under the supervision of the Geopark National Committee of the DPRK, the Mt Paektu Geopark Management Committee and the National Tourism Administration have undertaken projects for the preservation and management of the geopark and development and operation of tourism in it in cooperation with scientific, educational, cultural and other relevant institutions and organizations.

The projects will contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) specified in the United Nations 2030 agenda.


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