Enemies will invite unpredictable disaster

June 1, 2024

An RC-135U reconnaissance plane of the US Air Force, which took off in Japan on May 29, perpetrated aerial espionage against the DPRK near the southern border of the DPRK again.

At present, apart from RC-135U, various reconnaissance assets of the US and the puppet ROK air force including U-2S strategic reconnaissance plane and RQ-4B unmanned reconnaissance plane are seriously encroaching upon the sovereignty and security of the DPRK while conducting surveillance of and espionage against the DPRK almost round the clock.

The DPRK cannot but take a more serious view of the anti-DPRK aerial espionage of the US and other hostile forces as they overstepped the mark in the dangerousness of the hostile act.

The US trumpets that there are only two RC-135Us and the aircraft is a state-level strategic reconnaissance plane which performs the function and mission of reporting in real time the results of espionage to the president, defense secretary and other top-level US officials.

This clearly proves that the US military espionage against the DPRK is being directly organized and enforced by the supreme rulers of the US. 

The seriousness of the situation has been brought into bolder relief by the fact that they are frantically conducting all sorts of military drills targeting the DPRK on the Korean peninsula on an unprecedentedly large scale irrespective of time, along with such espionage activities as air reconnaissance.

Between January and April this year alone, the US and its stooges staged more than 140 rounds of war drills against the DPRK, or two times more than those in the same period of last year.

War drills to be planned and carried out by the US and ROK puppet forces in the second half of this year are huger in scale and extremely provocative and reckless in nature.

The large-scale Ulji Freedom Shield joint military exercises to be staged in August, in particular, envisage a nuclear operation drill making the DPRK-targeted nuclear attack a fait accompli and they are said to fully examine and perfect the OPLAN 2022 for mounting preemptive strikes at the core facilities and areas of the DPRK.

Just in such a period, the US is conducting more frantically with each passing day the aerial espionage which has historically played the role of "igniter" for the aggravation of the Korean peninsula situation.

It is as clear as day what it means that they reconnoitre core facilities and major points of the DPRK in a more concrete and detailed way.

The reality clearly proves that the defence buildup measures to aim at, contain and frustrate the manoeuvres of the US and its vassal forces are an indispensable prerequisite for defending the sovereignty and security interests of the state and an important undertaking to which more spurs should be put.

The DPRK Ministry of National Defence has already solemnly clarified its stand that it will act immediately when the sovereignty and security interests of the state are violated.

If the US and other hostile forces run amuck to conduct surveillance of anything, they will invite unpredictable disasters.


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